Thanks, and well
Spoiler Okay first the game begins with you being shot in the head after being tracked down by Benny, which is okay but when the Courier wakes up all he is set out to do is revenge, no plan on doing it what so ever just go there and kill him, a man who just hired The Khans to murder him a man who owns his on part of the strip and the couriers plan is to confront him, it just makes no sense. The fact the he shot him in the head would of been a good reason for a normal person to stay away. Then after finding him its just a simple "oh hi person I just shot in the head! My master plan is when I'm here in my own base surrounded by my own guards I'm going to get you to go into a room but not follow you as I'm about to slip out into enemy territory all by myself. While your in my room I'm not going to make anyone else go after you the person that might affect my plans". it made no sense then after getting the chip everyone wants you in there army, your just a simple courier that's it. the ending isn't really different, it's just the same thing but different colour for me. Then the thing that confuses me is the Courier remember everything apart from the fact that he created the divide? and the tremors that would be created from a nuclear bomb going off under ground would off been felt miles away.
That's it I think they may be more but I'm little tired.
I honestly don't think you even need to worry about spoilers as most of this is already long-known by everyone. Even the parts about the Divide are explained in a blog post that acts as an introduction to the Divide; none of it's really spoiler quality imo.
Having said that...
Okay first the game begins with you being shot in the head after being tracked down by Benny, which is okay but when the Courier wakes up all he is set out to do is revenge, no plan on doing it what so ever just go there and kill him, a man who just hired The Khans to murder him a man who owns his on part of the strip and the couriers plan is to confront him, it just makes no sense.
How do you propose he would plan it? The Courier doesn't know who Benny is. The entire journey to Vegas is about trying to answer that question as you trail him. You can't really develop a detailed plan to kill someone you know nothing about, but revenge is the motivation. By the time the Courier finds out Benny leads the Tops, he's in Boulder City. No real turning back at that point...
The fact the he shot him in the head would of been a good reason for a normal person to stay away.
Depends on the person, no? Thus, it's a roleplaying game. You're free NOT to pursue him just like you're free NOT to pursue dad. It is actually possible to beat the game without ever confronting Benny. (albeit only for the NCR) I understand that sometimes RPG intro quests seem more constraining than others or more insisting than others, but I don't really consider that a downside with any of them. For example, in Oblivion I hate the urgency of finding Martin. Does that make Oblivion a bad RPG? No, it just means tough cookies for me that I want to be able to ignore the main quest and the dialog regarding the main quest makes it difficult. FO3 on the other hand gives you plenty of reason to not pursue dad, and some people may hate that, wanting a more important-feeling main quest. It's just preference, not right and wrong.
Then after finding him its just a simple "oh hi person I just shot in the head! My master plan is when I'm here in my own base surrounded by my own guards I'm going to get you to go into a room but not follow you as I'm about to slip out into enemy territory all by myself. While your in my room I'm not going to make anyone else go after you the person that might affect my plans".
I simply don't understand this criticism. His "master plan"
works.If you mean why doesn't Benny attack you then and there with his bodyguards? He will if you force him to, but first he tries to lure you backstage and off-guard so his bodyguards can finish you off without a commotion. I don't see how this is illogical. Benny goes into enemy territory
because he has to. His plans won't work unless he does, and although it's a stretch, he attempts it anyways because it's his only choice. Why he goes without bodyguards? Well for one his actions aren't officially condoned by the Tops, and two, he'd be a dead giveaway to the Legion if he went with a small army. Thus, he tries to kill a legionaire, wear his uniform and ride on the boat with a stealth boy. His plan only fails because of....his hair gel.

it made no sense then after getting the chip everyone wants you in there army, your just a simple courier that's it.
You can address this directly in dialog.
But again:
-House is completely out of options. He doesn't know ANYONE except the leaders of the three families. Benny just double-crossed him, the Omertas can't be trusted and Swank/the White Gloves don't seem like the best agents. The only other person he's at all familiar with is you: the guy who just took two bullets to the brain, survived, then had the balls to march his way to the Strip with a plan of revenge.
-To the NCR, you're the ONLY person to ever get to talk to Mr.House. Their ambassadors have been trying to meet House for four years now, without success. The Lucky 38 doors opening and letting you in is definitely an eye-catching event, and the NCR notices too. They don't know WHAT about you is valuable, but they know you must be if House let you in, (and they know you're the only one they can use against him), thus they ask for your help.
-Caesar is perhaps the most obscure. Caesar has simply developed a respect for you and your determination and thinks you'd make a good agent.
-Yes Man is programmed to help. Who? Anyone; his programming doesn't specify anyone in particular. Guess what? You're anyone.
the ending isn't really different, it's just the same thing but different colour for me
This right here is probably where you fail to appreciate the game the way others do.I'm guessing you're expecting
practical differences, like post-ending gameplay where they all award different rewards for your support. No, then you're looking at it "wrong." New Vegas is a personal journey with which to test your own morals and ideals. The ending basically tells you how "good" your ideals are. If you have any interest in self-improvement, then I would think the ending would matter to you. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying getting a bad ending in New Vegas means you're a bad person, but it is a good way to get a sense for the meaning behind moral choices you would make and understand personal responsibility and the consequences of your actions.
If you're viewing the story as just a story and not a way to test yourself, then you're missing out.
Then the thing that confuses me is the Courier remember everything apart from the fact that he created the divide? and the tremors that would be created from a nuclear bomb going off under ground would off been felt miles away.
The Courier simply made a delivery, nothing more. If you deliver an item to a building, then maybe a day or two later the building is destroyed in an explosion, is your FIRST thought "wow I bet I unwittingly did that?" That's a little pretentious and paranoid of you, if you don't mind me saying.

But that's what happened. The Courier made a delivery, just like any other, and shortly after the Divide blew up. There's no reason to think "omg I did that" anymore than there is to think "omg I did that" if you forward your friend a video of a cat playing the piano in an email and one week later his computer is fried because it got a virus.
COULD you be responsible? Yes, of course it's
possible, but you have no reason in particular to believe you actually
are. In that sense maybe the Courier did consider it, but likely shrugged it off since it's not exactly something he can prove or disprove; no sense guilt-tripping yourself over something you might not even have done and couldn't've known.
1) Where does it say it wasn't felt miles away? The Divide is kind of famous, after all...
2) How exactly do you happen to know that underground detonations of nuclear weapons can be felt miles away? I don't exactly recall humanity ever testing this theory...

I gotta be blunt and say that with your last 2-3 criticisms I quoted, I simply don't get your logic at all, as those seem like some of the most logical reactions/occurances in the world to me.