Delphine and Esbern forget what it is like to be a Blade, they have become too blinded by personal agenda to see what is the right thing to do. The Dragonguard never questioned Reman or Tiber Septim, Septim even had a dragon to fight by his side at one point and trained in High Hrothgar where Paarthurnax is and yet the Blades at that time did not refuse to stand by his side because of this. I think if the Dragonguard of old or even older Blade members were still around they wouldn't think highly of Delphine's actions towards the Dragonborn. Maybe Bethesda did this on purpose, idk.
It's simple.Because of her single mindedness regarding Dragons and Paarthurnax in particular.
She is supposed to listen to your judgement ,not make demands.
I don't really dislike her, like wanting to kill her dislike, it's just that she is just generally annoying, in my opinion. The final straw is
I think it is important to remember that respect goes both ways. I can understand her reasons for being cautious and not trusting me at first. Then there's some of the things she expects of me, says to me, makes me feel like she's talking to a 2 year old.
I didn't like the way she talked to me at the start, but it's understandable, I suppose. But when she joins up with Esbern, that's when I lost any respect I had for her.
I don't "hate" a fictional character (Hell, I don't hate irl) but I do dislike delphine.
But you know what, I don't like the greybeards either. Stupid old men who would let the world be destroyed if not for the old lizard on the hill telling them what to do.
In short, they both svck imo.
She's not so bad. Not beautiful, but I wouldn't call her ugly.
To be fair, she's a sand stained 50 something, so she's pretty attractive imo, all things considered.
I think she is a bit too arogant ,but I don't hate her.
I was surprised to learn she was that old. She must take good care of herself.
Put a hippogriff outfit on her, you'll change your tune.
Oh dear, I don't mean like THAT.
her know it all attitude that gets proved on every turn to be groundless.
Next you find the stone, return it and while she is standing there with you, a guard runs in yelling a dragon is attacking the north tower. Now you'd think the last blade, sworn to kill dragons would follow her duty and march out there and kill the dragon. Right? Wrong. Instead she goes into the Bannered Mare and waits for this to blow over? Doubt me? Follow her next time.
Anyway so you go out there and kill the dragon and discover your dragonborn, an experience she could have witnessed if not for the ale over in the Bannered Mare. But she hears the summons of the grey-beards so she marches off and somehow gets past all the draugr, the traps, the necromancers and take the horn she believes they will send the dragonborn after. She doesn't know you are the dragonborn because well... the ale at the Bannered Mare.
Then she comes on at you with so much attitude. Not to mention the fact going onto Bleak Falls Barrow would break her cover, but not marching half way across Skyrim to Morthal's hold and getting the horn? Makes sense to some but not to me.
And her next suggestion? She wants me to kill a dragon so she can witness for herself what she should have if not consuming Bannered Mare ale. So off to Windhelm we go and slay a dragon. She witnesses it die, you absorb its soul. And whats her next thought?
"Oh the thalmor must be behind this." So she plays dress up and sticks our warrior in party clothes and scuttles them off to the Thalmor Embassy which only turns up one clue, aside from the obvious that the thalmor are not behind the return of dragons. And that is Esbern.
Finally a voice with reason. I like him. Despite his time hiding in the ratway, he is not bitter like she is who openly walked about Whiterun hold enjoying her freedom.
And then the best part. Her demand that I kill the one individual who was able to help me the most defeat Alduin simply because he to is a dragon? Because the blades swore to blindly kill all dragons (except when Bannered Mare ale is involved) I'm no blade.
Her whole character writing... interaction in the MQ which has baffling and confusing story writing... that's why I hate her.
Because she has the logic of an eight year old child.
"That guy's bad! He's been bad! He needs to be punished! He's bad!"
Right, right. Do the words "redemption" and "forgiveness" mean anything to you, Delphine?
"No! No! He's a monster, that means he's evil! He has to die! He's got blood on his hands! >:[ KILL HIM, DRAGONBORN!!"
But he taught the Thu'um to the mortals, and spent the last 2,000 years on a mountain meditating. He wants to help-
Basically, her logic is this: Dragons are evil. Paarthunax is a dragon. Therefore, Paarthunax is evil. The idea that he could be different doesn't even register in her brain.
Because she's doesn't kiss the player ass, the same as nazeem, maven, braith, etc.
You know how desperate we need to compensate for real life lack of respect.
I deal with it because I can then store my junk there. R.I.P Parthie
Dude, your standards are high, if that is hideous to you.
Two simple reasons for all the hate:
1) She demands that you kill the coolest speaking character in the game.
2) The (unmodded) game makes it impossible for you to kill her instead, thus creating frustration.
I agree completely with this. He seems hesitant to agree with her and doesn't say it in such a cruel way but in the end Esbern goes along with her plan and encourages you to kill the one creature in the ENTIRE game that has actually tried to help you without forcing you to do his bidding. I loooove Paarthy, we're homies, and for her and Esbernt o want me to kill him... well, that just doesn't settle right. The Grey Beards... the Blades... I hate the way they want to shove the dragonborn around... But Paarthy? He never does that. He's like "Dude, this is how it is. Handle it how you will. I'll just chill here"
She's a breton. They don't last as long as full elves, but their elven ancestry does make them last a bit longer than their fellow races of men.
Perhaps another look is needed? Looking at her again, I think I'll change what I said from "not beautiful" to pretty. There's nothing hideous about her outside appearence.