My standards are high:
EDIT: Bear, she still looks like a revolting horse.

Lol that was funny. Seriously though, I can't imagine anyone finding her revolting. But whatevs, no big. Just strange to me.
LOL good joke man, good joke.
I do dislike Delphine a bit now that you mention it. First of all, I think she eats your food if you put it in the barrel at Sky Haven Temple. Second, I stored all my stuff there. I come back to dump 300 pounds of loot in there and what do I see? eveything in red. all of my stuff in red and Esbern telling me to kill Paarthurnax. Little buttholes Q~Q
I don't mind her, I think the Greybeards are worse really. I do laugh at how her disguise is leather armour and a hood and she casually walks to Whiterun and back during the day. I can see how such a master of stealth has evaded the Thalmor for so long, her ways are truly genius.
She shouldn't be making demands from a person she is supposed to serve, she fails to see that the Dragonborn has the Blades' future in his/her hands. If Delphine and Esbern anger the Dragonborn the Blades are no more, which is why in game I always leave the Blades to just die off. Even with evil character's I've never been able to do the evil task she asks me to do... Paarthurnax is just too cool... plus I feel he redeemed himself.
One part that puzzles me is why their agenda isn't more against the AD than dragons. It's the AD that destroyed them ... not dragons, yet all they seem to care about is slaying dragons. It's like they just forget that the AD even exists. Weird. Well, weird or bad writing. Whatever.
Yes, definitely weird. Plus, during the main quest when hearing that a dragon is attacking Whiterun she runs away where wouldn't the Oath of the Blades demand that she fight and try to kill the dragon? The writing makes it seem she only cares about herself and not anyone else. Plus they should have inserted some sort of dialogue or acknowledgment if you are carrying Bolar's Oathblade on you. Very weird, or just some questionable writing. It will be interesting to see if the Blades faction is even in the next game, well if the next one is held after the events of Skyrim that is.
I don't think that bad writing is the cause of her [censored] character.
No one in real life is perfect. Is everyone always logical? Nope. Do people have their own opinions? Yes. Do some just completely throw authority out the window because they rationalize that it's the best thing to do? Yes.
It's just who she is. And since she's one of the last blades left, we're left to deal with her. If there were dozens of blades left they wouldn't all be like her, and it's unlikely she'd be as authoritative over the dragonborn if there were.
I think it's interesting the writing was done this way. A once proud and great order, reduced to a shadow of it's former self.
The blades are dead. Delphine has corrupted their purpose due to her own rationalizations.
Because she's an idiot playing with things she has no idea about.
I didn't like her from the first dialogue....
"You're that visitor, been pokin' around."
...oh sod off, lol.
^^^And this
I have done it both ways, and never again will I do it her way.
I don't get all the hatred for Delphine. I can't imagine a stronger character. She survived when all her fellow blades were hunted down like animals and she survived for 30 years in hiding. Living every moment with the threat of discovery by the Thalmor and inevitable torture hanging over her. No wonder she is a hard woman.
She has my absolute respect, even though I don't agree with her methods or her treatment of the Dragonborn. Arngeir was right, the blades only seek to use the Dragonborn. But Delphine is only following in the tradition of the Blades.... I don't agree or follow her, but I do respect her.
I can't help but wonder of people would have felt so strongly against her if she had not demanded we kill Parthy.
Not the best approach to morality, friend. Almost everyone who's ever done bad has meant good, and often though they were doing it.
I don't hate Delphine. I don't even hate her orders - sacrifices have to be made when the fate of the world is hanging in the balance, that I personally like Parthy is neither here nor there. I don't even mind that she commands the Dragonborn, who is, at the end of the day, a total amateur next to her. I just dislike the way she comes across as a person.
She knows how to get things done Sir.
And she's one of the last of the Blades.
One of my favourite factions in the 'verse.
A grudge noone cares about. The people that Paarthy roasted for dinner have been dead for millennia. Too much time has passed, all you are doing is continuing the violence and bringing woe upon the Greybeards.
True, the LDB is an amateur next to her, which is why she does all the planning.
But if Delphine is a follower of tradition as she claims to be, she would respect hierarchy. Acting as the brains behind the operation doesn't harm that relationship, but handing out ultimatums is a line she cannot cross.
As the Dragonborn, it is your prerogative to decide whether to do as she says or decline it without having consequences imposed on you for choosing the latter.
A leader that needs counsel still is the leader, and is not required to obey the counselor.
Maybe not quite as strongly, but they would dislike her the same way they don't like Nazeem.
Following in the tradition of the Blades? I don't think the Akaviri would ever dare to tell Reman "Do it or you're out".
Arngeir tells the Dragonborn that the Blades only seek to control them, before Delphine issues her 'kill Parthy' order. Therefore it is safe to presume that Arngeir is actually refering to past Dragonborns and past Blades. Otherwise where is he drawing his info and prejudice from...given that we are the first Dragonborn in 200 years and how would he know what had transpired between us and the last 2 blades in the meantime, we never mention the blades up until that point. Also he is isolated up there in High Hrothgar.
What I really want to know is in hell did Delphine know that Parthy is the leader of the Greybeards, I know the Dragonborn never told her.....
I don't like the blades because they have turned into some kind of twisted sick cult.. They used to be noble and i liked them in oblivion, that time is over tho.
@Meek- You could say that Arngeir knew of the ways of the Blades either by transcripts written by past Greybeards, after all Paarthurnax remained a "High priority target" of the Blades for pretty much the whole time that The Greybeards existed but he was protected so I doubt it was a secret how the Blades acted.
As for how the Blades found out I'd say it was in the Sky Haven Temple Library, where Esbern also learned how to trap a dragon in Dragonsreach. In the library lore could say that they found transcripts from past Grandmasters saying the location of Paarthurnax. After all Esbern does say that the Dragonguard and past Blades took "excellent records of dragons they killed"
Delphine may have broken with tradition to assert herself over the Dragonborn, but she should, in my opinion. When the fate of the world is in the balance, the most experienced need to be at the helm, regardless of how people before her may have done it. She may not be the most likeable person, and didn't use that power wisely, but she was right and pragmatic to take it.