"We serve the dragonborn."
*5 minutes later*
"Dragonborn! Do this now or you are not welcome here."
To her and Esbern, the Dragonborn is only a tool to rid Tamriel of the dragons.
Yeah at the beginning her suspicion of you makes sense. After you prove yourself she is all about helping you find more clues about the dragon and saving the world. But then all the sudden killing an old dragon that isn't bothering anyone is more important than saving the world or killing the other random dragons that are actually killing people. Like most Skyrim quest lines I write it off as VERY poor story telling/writing.
I mean I like joining the Blades, getting followers to join, going on dragon hunts. All's good. But she's just such a dike about forcing you, the Dragonborn, their supposed new leader, the one they serve, to do something you may not want to do.
It wouldnt be so bad if you weren't given the ultimatum regarding Parthy. If they could understand that hes good and has helped you quite a bit then I'm sure people wouldn't mind her so much.
She is grouchy old bag and takes advantage of the Dragonborn for her own personal gain. The Blades are supposed to serve the Dragonborn, not the other way around.
It's never ok to disrespect someone, especially when I can (and will) shout you off of a mountain. Her and the Greybeards can both svck it, though I do agree with her about them. I dislike and loathe her not because she doesn't kiss my dragonborn ass, but because as a Blade she's supposed to be listening to me. It's fine that she doesn't take orders, but when she tries dictating who I kill, that's when the [censored] and I have a problem.
I don't care what the reasons are, or why she acts this way and feels that she needs to control everything. It's not my problem. I just feel bad for poor Esbern who has to stay and put up with her [censored], but he sticks with her, so. Dug his own grave.
Agreed, I mean I understand the edgy-ness and whatnot but it is that ultimatum with Paarth that annoys me. I don't personally I hate her, mostly I just pity her. She is too narrow minded and jaded to open her eyes and accept change.
The problem is, the Blades were a pretty cool group in the previous games. Now, they're fixating on killing dragons and being very unreasonable about it. Never mind the Thalmor still trying to wipe them out and end the world, dragon genocide is more important even after Alduin is defeated.
All he has is her as the last remaining member, so it's not like he has much of a choice. Not that I think he wouldn't ask the same thing necessarily, but it does seem like Delphine would be the one to force the issue.
As far as I'm concerned, the two of them can live happily ever after at Skyhaven.
I actually got the ultimatum from Esbern first, when I went back to Sky Haven to try and get the special blessing thing after I met Paarthurnax (I think? Before the Peace Council, anyway). I like him even less than Delphine, at least she's kinda badass, he's just a weird dude who hides in a sewer...
I open the path through an entire forsworn tribe, risk my neck through a series the puzzles and use my blood (the only blood in all nirn that would work) to open the door so they can tell me I'm not welcome??? I'd send esbern back to the ratways to live like a rat and turn delphine to the thalmor if that was possible.
not to mention the way she says "If you don't trust me, you were a fool to walk in here in the first place." , yeah, like if an old woman like you stands a chance against the power of my voice.
I think most of it could be chalked up to bad writing. The writers are just sooooo eager for you to get things over with that it feels like Delphine is just pushing you along instead of actually being encouraging.
Basically, it's because most of the main quest's railroading is done in-game by Delphine. I have similar feelings towards Karliah in the Thieves Guild quest. They're the in-universe hands of the writer and programmers, telling you "if you don't do [x], you can't proceed, and screw you if you can come up with other means/reasons otherwise".
I chuckle and roll my eyes every time she says that.
Oh, yeah, right, now you're going to start bringing FACTS into it?!
Her distrust towards the Dragonborn is understandable in the beginning, but after that they use you as a tool. I don't like the Blades in general as they appear in Skyrim.