Why hate Ulfric!?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:13 pm

He earned the love of all of solitude(Except that terrieble guard) That says something about him...

Again, it doesnt mean he's strong willed. It just means he's well liked and knows when to accept death. Don't get me wrong, even Ulfric liked him as a person. They were good friends, apparently

Ulfric.....I dont hate the guy. He just smells like Chinese and old diapers.

Hey thats not cannon!
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:43 pm

Actually, you have to have a VERY strong will to face death and not be afraid.

Not really. One, anyone could say they were brave when they died. But he didn't make great decisions, apparently

I just want to apologize for my spelling for a second. This computer doesnt have firefox
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:44 pm

That Ulfric can Shout says nothing of his ability to rule, and is in no way whatsoever a better claim to the throne than Torygg's, or even Elisif's. If kingship were a series of duels, then sure, the Voice was be very useful for cheating his way through them. Torygg's strength seems to have been recognising the skills in others, hence his very capable court in Solitude, which appears to be a very well governed city. Elisif has inherited this court, is willing to listen, and shows great empathy towards her people. I'd rather a High Queen Elisif, backed by the Empire and surrounded by capable advisers, than High King Ulfric.

Prowess in battle and ability to lead in battle were very important in medieval and ancient societies, and still are if your country is under threat. There are advantages to having civilian leadership of the military, but with the current government allowing the Thalmor the run of the place, they have forfeited legitimacy anyway. Elisif is a good puppet, I think you mean. You're meant to feel sorry for her, but I don't see any competence, and she certainly doesn't have the respect even of people in Solitude.

Solitude is a rich city, which is not the same thing as well run. The Imperials are certainly gifted at exploiting their provinces.

Ulfric will have his advisors, too, and if he prevails he agrees to submit to the moot so it's not as if he's overturning Skyrim's system of government.
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:28 am

That Ulfric can Shout says nothing of his ability to rule, and is in no way whatsoever a better claim to the throne than Torygg's, or even Elisif's. If kingship were a series of duels, then sure, the Voice was be very useful for cheating his way through them. Torygg's strength seems to have been recognising the skills in others, hence his very capable court in Solitude, which appears to be a very well governed city. Elisif has inherited this court, is willing to listen, and shows great empathy towards her people. I'd rather a High Queen Elisif, backed by the Empire and surrounded by capable advisers, than High King Ulfric.

Oh nonononono. I'm not saying that. Im saying the High king shouldve learned it for defence purposes

or maybe not. IDK what the hell I'm talking about anymore
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El Khatiri
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:50 pm

Yes, it's a mess because it's king was brutally killed, not necessarily because he was a crappy ruler. Like Bigbossbalrog said, that fact that all of the civilians loved him says something positive about his leadership. Propaganda alone can't earn the hearts of the common-folk.

Who says people loved him? The only comment I heard about his rule was that he wasn't a very good king and was more concerned with entertaining his pretty wife than ruling. Someone says he respected Ulfric and would have followed him if Ulfric had asked for him to declare independence. Well, hello... did he even talk to Ulfric about that? Not only couldn't he make a decision on his own, apparently he couldn't even be arsed to ask for Ulfric's support, or make plans, or actually DO anything. The impression I get is of someone who's likeable, naive, and utterly passive.
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:13 am

Who says people loved him? The only comment I heard about his rule was that he wasn't a very good king and was more concerned with entertaining his pretty wife than ruling. Someone says he respected Ulfric and would have followed him if Ulfric had asked for him to declare independence. Well, hello... did he even talk to Ulfric about that? Not only couldn't he make a decision on his own, apparently he couldn't even be arsed to ask for Ulfric's support, or make plans, or actually DO anything. The impression I get is of someone who's likeable, naive, and utterly passive.

Got to solitude...
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rolanda h
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:32 am

Again, it doesnt mean he's strong willed. It just means he's well liked and knows when to accept death. Don't get me wrong, even Ulfric liked him as a person. They were good friends, apparently

Clearly you have no knowledge about what it takes to be a good leader, or you would not have even considered posting this.
EDIT: or anything about willpower
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:21 pm

Got to solitude...

I went there plenty of times and never heard them say that. They say soomething like 'yeah high king? He's a pretty cool guy."
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:40 am

Not really. One, anyone could say they were brave when they died. But he didn't make great decisions, apparently

I just want to apologize for my spelling for a second. This computer doesnt have firefox

"Sigh"...Emperor Uriel was Fearless in death....Titus Mede the second Was fearless in death(And he was possibly one of the Best emperors...)...All these People were Very strong-willed and they Faced there death with nO FEAR
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Jennifer May
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:47 pm

Read That Fricken dossier In That FRICKEN Embassy...

What part of "hostile to direct contact" sounds like he's a sleeper agent?

The Thalmor still hope they can use him someday. They consider him an asset, not an agent. An asset is someone you hope to steer toward your ends. They are hoping to be able to steer Skyrim toward chaos, and consider the Markarth incident a success in that regard, whereas a Stormcloak victory would not be.

Reading comprehension, dude.
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:52 am

Clearly you have no knowledge about what it takes to be a good leader, or you would not have even considered posting this.
EDIT: or anything about willpower

If you only knew.

But It still stands. Doesn't mean you're a good leader. If he was, he'd do stuff a lot different
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:52 pm

What part of "hostile to direct contact" sounds like he's a sleeper agent?

The Thalmor still hope they can use him someday. They consider him an asset, not an agent. An asset is someone you hope to steer toward your ends. They are hoping to be able to steer Skyrim toward chaos, and consider the Markarth incident a success in that regard, whereas a Stormcloak victory would not be.

Reading comprehension, dude.

"A sleeper agent is a spy who is placed in a target country or organization, not to undertake an immediate mission, but rather to act as a potential ASSET if activated."
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:32 am

Got to solitude...

Pretty sure that it was in Solitude I heard that line about Torygg not being much of a king and more concerned with entertaining his pretty wife than ruling.

When you ask in Solitude if Elisif is a puppet, they all pretty much say "yes, but..."

Not even her own townspeople respect her. And then there's the fact that she maintains her dungeon as a torture chamber, but I digress...
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:34 pm

"Sigh"...Emperor Uriel was Fearless in death....Titus Mede the second Was fearless in death(And he was possibly one of the Best emperors...)...All these People were Very strong-willed and they Faced there death with nO FEAR

Alright, let me put it this way. I could be fearless, brave and whatever. But I could also be really bad as a King.
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:32 pm

whereas a Stormcloak victory would not be.

Actually, an Imperial victory is apparently also not considered as a success in their little book. Just sayin'

Them dirty elves just want to drag this war on and on, until the Empire(the only major obstacle here) crumbles so they could stomp their way to the East coast at their leisure.
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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:53 pm

"A sleeper agent is a spy who is placed in a target country or organization, not to undertake an immediate mission, but rather to act as a potential ASSET if activated."

Reading comprehension, dude.

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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:10 pm

I'd be better distposed towards Ulfric and his Stormcloaks if they knew what soap was and how to use it.
Dirty rebel sc*m. :wub:
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:14 pm

"A sleeper agent is a spy who is placed in a target country or organization, not to undertake an immediate mission, but rather to act as a potential ASSET if activated."

The document also says that they "allowed him to escape". Not that they let him out of prison. The sneaky bastards mind[censored]ed the guy into believing that he got away on his own merit. So if they are pulling any of his trings - they are doing it from behind the curtain. But hey, history is full of examples of regimes sending in assets and said assets then turning on them. I think that whatever officer in German intelligence that said "Let's give Lenin money" would have been embarrassed by the eventual outcome.
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:48 pm

I'd be better distposed towards Ulfric and his Stormcloaks if they knew what soap was and how to use it.
Dirty rebel sc*m. :wub:

I roleplay that my Stormcloak Nord Bathes.

I know, a little out there, right?
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Len swann
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:08 pm

Reading the uptight elf document, this is what I gathered:

1: High elves are full of it
2: High elves are evil
3: Ulfric is not a sleeper agent, he's their enemy's enemy, and can thus be used.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:35 pm

"A sleeper agent is a spy who is placed in a target country or organization, not to undertake an immediate mission, but rather to act as a potential ASSET if activated."

An "agent" is someone who is knowingly and willingly acting on behalf of an outside group. Ulfric is not an agent- nowhere does it say that in that document. In fact it says the opposite, that he is hostile to any direct approach, so they are trying to steer him through subtler means.

Notice it says he was "allowed to escape." This means he thought that he escaped on his own. He wasn't briefed, sent out with a mission, etc.

JFC. I'm so sick of pointing this out to people. ZOMG HE'S A SPY takes over and people don't actually read the damn thing.
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jadie kell
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:38 pm

I roleplay that my Stormcloak Nord Bathes.

I know, a little out there, right?

You are Imperial at heart, you are just in denial. :wacko:

Hail the Empire and its quack legions!
United we stand, divided we bicker and gossip.
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:02 pm

Reading the uptight elf document, this is what I gathered:

1: High elves are full of it
2: High elves are evil
3: Ulfric is not a sleeper agent, he's their enemy's enemy, and can thus be used.

An "agent" is someone who is knowingly and willingly acting on behalf of an outside group. Ulfric is not an agent- nowhere does it say that in that document. In fact it says the opposite, that he is hostile to any direct approach, so they are trying to steer him through subtler means.

Notice it says he was "allowed to escape." This means he thought that he escaped on his own. He wasn't briefed, sent out with a mission, etc.

JFC. I'm so sick of pointing this out to people. ZOMG HE'S A SPY takes over and people don't actually read the damn thing.

Can I copy and paste this whenever someone uses the "He's a sleeper agent" argument next time?

But yeah, they're right
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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:15 am

Actually, an Imperial victory is apparently also not considered as a success in their little book. Just sayin'

Them dirty elves just want to drag this war on and on, until the Empire(the only major obstacle here) crumbles so they could stomp their way to the East coast at their leisure.

I know. They want the war to drag on, not for either side to win. Even if Skyrim stays in the empire, the Nords will be rabble rousing over the Talos ban and will push the empire towards war. If the Stormcloaks win, Skyrim will kick their agents out and is free to plan a defense on its own, and the empire will realize it can't depend on OPB (other people's blood) to save its ass, and maybe get serious about defending their territory on their own.
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Elena Alina
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:39 pm

Prowess in battle and ability to lead in battle were very important in medieval and ancient societies, and still are if your country is under threat. There are advantages to having civilian leadership of the military, but with the current government allowing the Thalmor the run of the place, they have forfeited legitimacy anyway. Elisif is a good puppet, I think you mean. You're meant to feel sorry for her, but I don't see any competence, and she certainly doesn't have the respect even of people in Solitude.

Solitude is a rich city, which is not the same thing as well run. The Imperials are certainly gifted at exploiting their provinces.

Ulfric will have his advisors, too, and if he prevails he agrees to submit to the moot so it's not as if he's overturning Skyrim's system of government.

I understand that. Torygg is stated as having "some martial training", although given his age, it is unlikely he has had much opportunity to win his spurs. Given the mentors he would have had access to, it's possible he could have become a skilled warrior, particularly if Ulfric had decided to work with him. This still fails to address my point: a medieval society where the existent succession can be sidestepped by killing the guy in charge is a recipe for disaster. Not "overthrowing the guy in charge", which was already common both in the real world and in Tamriel, but just "hey let's fight, winner gets crown".

I wouldn't call Elisif competent either. Not yet. But with the advisers she has, her empathy for her subjects, and a little time, I believe she could be a good ruler. In the mean time, she would have Tullius on-side to assist with military matters; it's stated by one character (can't recall who) that one of the reasons Tullius is in Solitude is to advise Elisif. I was never particularly taken by Ulfric's current advisers, who seemed more like old war buddies appointed to various posts, but YMMV.

Last point: Ulfric agrees to the Moot after replacing any Jarl who would oppose him. That's an overthrow in my books.
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