If you can use any skill from any line once you've unlocked it, why restrict classes? Seems like you could increase the variety even higher without classes (assuming there was skill balance).
If you can use any skill from any line once you've unlocked it, why restrict classes? Seems like you could increase the variety even higher without classes (assuming there was skill balance).
Great scott, my good man! The sense of individually is everso diminishing.Don't take this away as well.
Class skills are mutually exclusive, you cannot use another class skill at all. Same for Vampire and Werewolf.
Not a fan of the classes myself or the skill point cap which means a single character might not be able to learn everything.
But the classes are there primarily for the sake of players of class-based MMOs as a stepping stone towards ESO's more open character development system.
I would rather they go with classless system like Darkfall Online.
My guess is because some combinations of class skills would be to powerful. Can you imagine a dragon knight with the ability to teleport to his enemy with a basic nightblade skill? *shudders*
Edit: I personally view the classes as something like the prestige classes in D&D. Or the back story of your character. Did you become a glorious nightblade to take back your sweet roll some filthy Kajiit stole? Or a paladin hunting down some filthy thieving kitty? Or a dragon-knight looking to beat the sweet rolls out of a Kajjiit?
Who doesn't like sweet-rolls?
You mean like it was originally? I didn't follow it closely but I think they changed to a class based system eventually.
From my understanding, the new 'Darkfall' with calsses are a new game.
They probably went for a class system so they can balance three skill lines together against other triple skill lines, instead of having to balance every skill line individually which, if done poorly (and it's very, very hard to do well) can devolve into a tiny number of cookie cutter builds.
If you don't have classes, how are you going to learn anything?
I thought they were for sleeping in. Did I get that wrong?
I like having some character choices that are permanent. It gives the character more of a sense of identity IMO. Race and Class are the only 2 though. Everything else we can change if we feel like it.
This made looking at this ridiculous post worth it!
So this is a dumb question but until recently i have been under the impression that the classes are not restrictive at all, meaning a Dragon Knight can spec into a Sorcerer skill line. Is this correct or incorrect.
Incorrect. You cannot be a dragon knight that summons daedra. (As a quick example)
*However* you could be a dragon knight that uses a destruction/healing staff. (Weapon skills are not class based)
I guess my question is: would you rather have a classless system where all choices were permanent or would you rather have a class system where they are not? I'm not supporting either, just asking. Seems strange to me to restrict only classes and either vampire or werewolf. Seems like they should restrict guilds or armor as well to add individuality...no?
When you look at the class skills as EXTRA skill trees it makes a lot more sense, and is much more satisfying.
Who's complaining? I simply started a thread asking. I didn't ask to have every skill nor did I imply you should be able to have every skill.
Apart from class skills, they don't do anything. Seems a little silly to me.