Why have they killed it?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:33 am

I've been really looking forward to Crysis2 for 18 months.
Oh - dear.
They've lost the good bit about Crysis - anyone could survive and do ok.
Within a few days of this being released the 24/7 guys will be at instant kill mode and any part time player will be blasting away and getting no where.
So 2 hrs on the demo and I won't be buying it - sorry.

Big dissapointment.

It'll be ok for the jumping/shooting kiddies but I'd like something that needs a bit of thought

See you on Crysis wars

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:54 am

I agree somewhat with your position. The new Crysis MP is a twitch-shooter with not much depth to it. I can't compete with those who spend every waking second playing these games. Whereas in something like Battlefield 2/2142 experience and tactics can help against those with good aiming skills.

Still the upgrades and stuff make it a bit more fun, personally I am absolutely bored senseless with the demo because I cant get any more upgrades, maps or game styles.
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:05 am

So they killed the game because you die too much in the multiplayer demo ? Cool story bro so many are forgetting about the singleplayer these days that was huge in crysis and im sure crysis 2 singleplayer will be just as good specially the story will probably be better. Even though the multiplayer is just a bonus for me since i would pay the full price just for the singleplayer part and the multiplayer is still amazing. And everything in the demo is just a small taste of it, even dx 11 will come in the full game .
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Jake Easom
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:10 pm

They have not Killed it they are trying to compete with CoD, and they did a good job, I would rather play the Crysis 2 MP Demo than the full version of CoD BO MP.

I agree with ReMakc, I would pay full price just for the Single Player, and the Multiplayer is still amazing.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:53 am

You die slower than CoD in my experience :s.

However, even in COD-type gameplay, route planning and careful use of your surroundings can outplay 'twitch shooters'. Personally, using the example of Black Ops, my Quick-ADS shooting and drop shots were average at best. That being said, I often came top or near-top on the in-game scoreboard because I chose my routes carefully and made sure I kept my aiming reticle in the centre of the place I'm going (this way, you can react fast and on-target).

The idea that 'twitch-shooters' require lightnening-fast reflexes and aiming skill is largely false. Of course those qualities are advantageous, but they alone do not win games. In Crysis 2 I would suggest more than ever that use of the environment trumps reflexes.
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carley moss
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:37 am

The C2 MP is so much more fun and satisfying, but it lacks the customization and modding CW had.. what a shame
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darnell waddington
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:46 pm

Nobody cares that you svck so much on multiplayer, that you cry yourself to sleep, then blame it on the forums and try to hurt crytek by not buying the game but everyones gonna say its amazing then your gonna come buy it and come back to the forums saying youre sorry. People like you should be restricted from a computer and forum sites for amazing games like Crysis 2.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:45 pm

nobody cares that you svck kid. Crysis 2 mp is amazing. I play 4-5 rounds a day...sometimes every other day and i usually top the charts. So obviously your whole theory that casual players will get blown away is inaccurate. You're just awful at the game lol. QQ more please.
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:56 am

COD is for campers and slowpokes, C2 is for ppl who got some real skill, focus and brain, because if you stop... some1 will shoot your nuts of >:D

Btw... i have played like 15 rounds in this week because of work and yet i got few time to first place in round, or at least to first four :D
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:44 am

I usually end up on the top of the scoreboards and I think Crysis 2 multiplayer is mediocre. Compared to the original Crysis, it's just plain garbage. The depth and balance is all gone. Instead we're left with nooby killstreaks and twitch ADS shooting. Also, the in-battle customization is gone. Instead you're left with fixed classes. Sure you can customize the class, but the options are extremely limited and you can only change equipment if you pick someone else's stuff up or if you die.
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:52 am

I usually end up on the top of the scoreboards and I think Crysis 2 multiplayer is mediocre. Compared to the original Crysis, it's just plain garbage. The depth and balance is all gone. Instead we're left with nooby killstreaks and twitch ADS shooting. Also, the in-battle customization is gone. Instead you're left with fixed classes. Sure you can customize the class, but the options are extremely limited and you can only change equipment if you pick someone else's stuff up or if you die.

This is not an MMO, if u want wear fancy dress please go play WoW :D But hey maybe Crytek will find something fancy for you... a helokitty SCAR... or Carebear helmet....
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:44 pm

I usually end up on the top of the scoreboards and I think Crysis 2 multiplayer is mediocre. Compared to the original Crysis, it's just plain garbage. The depth and balance is all gone. Instead we're left with nooby killstreaks and twitch ADS shooting.

So youre saying the depth in crysis 2 is gone ? With new unlock system and ranks and stats and more gamemodes and awesome map design , new movement ( slide and climbing ) ? Comeone. And i dont get whats so unbalanced ? The weapon balance is just fine its all about HOW you use the weapons ,its mainly almost everything about strategy and knowledge , learning how to use your suit energy properly and the ranges of your weapons.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:04 am

People this is just a demo. I know it can be confusing because it could stand on it's own weight but please refrain from complaining about missing features.

Plus this game is nothing much of a twitch shooter like for example CS: Source. In this game it's kind of unlikely that whoever shot you would stay alive long enough to keep getting a killstreak just because of twitch shooting.

If you die from people like that all the time then most likely you are either playing like your rambo or a bullet magnet.
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:15 pm

I usually end up on the top of the scoreboards and I think Crysis 2 multiplayer is mediocre. Compared to the original Crysis, it's just plain garbage. The depth and balance is all gone. Instead we're left with nooby killstreaks and twitch ADS shooting. Also, the in-battle customization is gone. Instead you're left with fixed classes. Sure you can customize the class, but the options are extremely limited and you can only change equipment if you pick someone else's stuff up or if you die.

This is not an MMO, if u want wear fancy dress please go play WoW :D But hey maybe Crytek will find something fancy for you... a helokitty SCAR... or Carebear helmet....

I'm not looking for visual customization, genius. Have you played the original Crysis at all? Of course not. If you did, you'd know that you could customize your weapon in the middle of combat and add different scopes, laser, ammo type, etc.

I usually end up on the top of the scoreboards and I think Crysis 2 multiplayer is mediocre. Compared to the original Crysis, it's just plain garbage. The depth and balance is all gone. Instead we're left with nooby killstreaks and twitch ADS shooting.

So youre saying the depth in crysis 2 is gone ? With new unlock system and ranks and stats and more gamemodes and awesome map design , new movement ( slide and climbing ) ? Comeone. And i dont get whats so unbalanced ? The weapon balance is just fine its all about HOW you use the weapons ,its mainly almost everything about strategy and knowledge , learning how to use your suit energy properly and the ranges of your weapons.

You don't how it's unbalanced that some loser can unlock more powerful modules just by spending more time with the game? Not only are the unlocks unbalanced, but also the killstreaks. Don't pretend campers can't get killstreaks because of dog tags since in the full game there is a module that automatically collects dog tags for you. Even without with module, I've often ripped off a turret and mowed down seven people easily to get the ultra-cheap Ceph Airship killstreak that added another 3-8 kills for me.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:01 am

yeah , CoD's for kids , crysis 2 is for fart knocking poofters. crysis 1 & BC2 are for the real machos,like me XD lmao

This is how we roll...

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Wayne Cole
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:07 pm

Luckily I do not play the game for the MP factor
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:55 pm

This is how it goes ...

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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:49 am

Hey thats me in the Crysis 2 picture!!

"that was sarcasm, although I do like playing the Crysis 2 Demo."
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:14 pm

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Grace Francis
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:33 am

I usually end up on the top of the scoreboards and I think Crysis 2 multiplayer is mediocre. Compared to the original Crysis, it's just plain garbage. The depth and balance is all gone. Instead we're left with nooby killstreaks and twitch ADS shooting. Also, the in-battle customization is gone. Instead you're left with fixed classes. Sure you can customize the class, but the options are extremely limited and you can only change equipment if you pick someone else's stuff up or if you die.

This is not an MMO, if u want wear fancy dress please go play WoW :D But hey maybe Crytek will find something fancy for you... a helokitty SCAR... or Carebear helmet....

I'm not looking for visual customization, genius. Have you played the original Crysis at all? Of course not. If you did, you'd know that you could customize your weapon in the middle of combat and add different scopes, laser, ammo type, etc.

L2Recognize sarcasm you silly duck. But hey a helokitty SCAR.... hmmm hmmm! :D

First of all... If you would not get that customization in first place you would not whine about it now. I don't see any problem here, and for example maps now are build in way that whome gameplay is so intense that you don't have time to play with your toy. Also there is no reason to change scopes since most of ppl can shoot other player from far with only iron sight. Silencer, erm. if i use i will be have whole time, so also there is no point to creat "in game" customization for that. Basically it looks like that whole customization is pointless now, and that why you don't have it... same happened with suite modes which were remastered to fit more into fast and dynamic gameplay in multi. Tbh. changes are great.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:30 am

First of all... If you would not get that customization in first place you would not whine about it now. I don't see any problem here, and for example maps now are build in way that whome gameplay is so intense that you don't have time to play with your toy. Also there is no reason to change scopes since most of ppl can shoot other player from far with only iron sight. Silencer, erm. if i use i will be have whole time, so also there is no point to creat "in game" customization for that. Basically it looks like that whole customization is pointless now, and that why you don't have it... same happened with suite modes which were remastered to fit more into fast and dynamic gameplay in multi. Tbh. changes are great.

ok... from my point of view suite was changed to fit console controllers...less complicated with not so many buttons do make it work not a fast dynamic game play... spring/speed mode and jump/super jump draining your energy bindded in the same key???... you cant even sprint a lot anymore because you will drain your energy! ledge grabbing and sliding are awesome tho!

and the fact that you could customize the weapon... that was just very... very cool!!!! taking it away because maps are smaller?? wtf you can do better than that lol!
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:48 am

Imagine Skyline with old customization system...... you will die each time when u want change something on your weapon ^^ And like i said... there is no reason to change anything during Multi in C2 =.=" Same goes for old suite systems and how you would change those in super fast C2 Multi...

Sure maybe they change some stuff because of consoles, because Pad's are retarded, but some things wasn't just working in new faster and more dynamic multi ;/

Anyway.... from what i remember from C1, now customization is far more superior than it was in C1, in old Crysys you were able change silencer, scope, grenade launcher and ammo.... and thats all o.O Now you can change those 4 things + additional 3 upgrades for your nanosuite, which improve gameplay, so.... why you guys complain? o.O
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:51 am

wtf you talking about? you CAN NOT change during game. and all the maps in C2 being small is not exactly a good thing either...

how much have you played C1??? DM maps in C1 were small also, and you could still change stuff and stay alive. Picking up enemy weapons and putting your sights, mods or whatever you had on into that new weapon is something you CAN NOT do now. If you pick up something it will stick with the sets the other player had. I prefer the C1 way. ;)
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:43 pm

wtf you talking about? you CAN NOT change during game. and all the maps in C2 being small is not exactly a good thing either...

how much have you played C1??? DM maps in C1 were small also, and you could still change stuff and stay alive. Picking up enemy weapons and putting your sights, mods or whatever you had on into that new weapon is something you CAN NOT do now. If you pick up something it will stick with the sets the other player had. I prefer the C1 way. ;)

I didn't say that you can customize something during game in C2 o.O You miss understand me ^^
What was i saying is that there is no point to change anything in C2 multi... i mean really there is nothing which i can or need to change on my weapon during game (multi). On Skyline or Pier 17 u dont need better scope than this one with red dot(forget name). If you wan't silencer you will eq. it beffor game and will be use all the time, because there is no reason to change it all the time xD So that why customization during game is pointless.

Customization which we have now it is enught, and you get even better customization with more upgrades which can evolve, so once again.... why you guys cry about that customization from C1 if it wasnt making any sense in old multi?
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:08 pm

Thankfully I didn't buy either game for their multiplayer, since neither one is spectacular really. C2 does a good job of what it does, but what it does is nothing mind-blowing. Crysis 1 and Wars were good ideas on paper that never worked out. Pretty much every Crysis 1 game was people working on their K/D ratios and rushing to the aircraft factory to helicopter spam bunkers.

People who want a good multiplayer experience should play a Battlefield game. ANY Battlefield game, as they are all above and beyond anything is C1 or 2.
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