Why Helbeards Won't Do,

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:03 am

my issue with not having spears is that its a very common and logical weapon. we not talking about removing katanas or machetes here which are just versions of swords, although im hoping they at least kept sabers in so that there are slashing swords at least. what we are supposed to accept is the notion that between the time of morrowind and oblivion people forgot how to make "pointy sticks". spears have been some of the most widely used and most effective arms in combat throught history. halberds were the most effective weapon on the battlefield until guns came along. i could live without one or the other but its silly that they wouldnt put at least one of them in. they could have balanced them by making them difficult to use in indoor environments with tight spaces which would be realistic.
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:34 pm

Halberds are pretty cool. If they're in, I'm glad. But I'd honestly prefer spears, if there was a choice.

Here's some of the reasons I'd prefer spears:

- You can pierce enemies at a distance, making it a pretty unique weapon-style I think. Halberds are more axe-like, making them less unique.
- Spears look cool.
- Some spears are very lore-connected (i.e. Spear of Bitter Mercy).
- Skyrim feels ancient. Even less "advanced" than Cyrodiil. Spears have been around for hundreds of thousands of years, making them one of the oldest weapons in our world. They were used to hunt down mammoths, I think. Halberds are much "younger", more medieval than spears (which are more primitive). Halberds feel more connected to the Empire as well.

Still, on a bright side, halberds definitely feel more brutal. Which could be fitting for Skyrim. Although I would prefer spears anyway...
So halberds actually do do, but spears would be slightly better.
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:59 am

infact I'd rather have spears use the claymore animation (no matter how stupid it would look) than not have them at all

Why that instead of halberds that would work better for that?
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:00 pm

Why that instead of halberds that would work better for that?

Because I think spears look 100 times better than halberds...
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:38 am

If they do the "jabbing" animations for spears, they're certainly doing them for 2-handed "chopping" weapons, so they'd already have both of the "major" animations for halberds anyway. Using the reverse spike for dismounting riders, climbing obstacles, or "hooking" an opponent's weapon or limbs would probably be asking for way too much, though.

BTW - Helbeards = bad facial hair day
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Allison C
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:11 am

Because I think spears look 100 times better than halberds...
I dunno... http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q221/Toryuu/Lubu2.jpg

But even regular halberds look cool to me. http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj125/Gizmojunk/Medieval-halberd.jpg
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:22 am

Spears are much older and cheaper than swords. In battlefield, they were way more common than swords. Sword is basically equals a gun or SMG, while spear equals your trusty rifle or assault rifle. It is heavier, it provides reach, it penetrates armor better, it works great in formations. It fails when formation is broken and enemies are close, and that is when you use your sword or axe or mace or whatever. But before that spear (or other polearm) is king.

Oh, and fencing technique of halberd is about the same as of diquexe, while diquexe is simply a two-handed axe with longer pole and additional spearhead and a backside dagger. Dane axe in some classifications is a two-handed axe, in another it is a primitive polearm. Borders are very blurry here.

More than that, if we don't have spears, but DO have two-handed axes, there is no reason why we shouldn't have voulges, for example. Or some other well-cutting polearm without any/good thrusting ability. Just make a bigger weapon model, throw in good damage and reach, add slower speed — basically, heavier two-handed axe — and you'll have your cutting polearm.

You are so wrong its not even funny. Yes, spears are older....thats why they svck. When people developed metalurgy, there was no need for sharpened rock spears. Spears were used to keep people at bay, or on horseback. After the sword-making, an adventurer going about on foot with a spear would have serious disadvantages in single combat.

Also, saying that they simply are older makes no sense, since South American natives developed sword type weapons with obsidian and other materials. So, spears are older...for whom? Probably your eurocentric mind.
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 7:52 pm

I dunno... http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q221/Toryuu/Lubu2.jpg

But even regular halberds look cool to me. http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj125/Gizmojunk/Medieval-halberd.jpg

Spears are way cooler: http://www.google.dk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.weaponsemporium.com/WE-Medieval%2520War%2520Spear%2520XH1078.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.weaponsemporium.com/WE-Dark%2520Age%2520Arms.htm&usg=__Pll5bLSzm_YsEekKQsb2JCK7dDg=&h=497&w=497&sz=43&hl=da&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=sV6aOXDdm6nBEM:&tbnh=137&tbnw=153&ei=NK5eTeriDo2XOtCegbwN&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dviking%2Bspear%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dda%26biw%3D1920%26bih%3D979%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=231&vpy=61&dur=7168&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=157&ty=119&oei=NK5eTeriDo2XOtCegbwN&page=1&ndsp=71&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0 and thats an ordinary, not at all extremely customized one...
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:05 am

You are so wrong its not even funny. Yes, spears are older....thats why they svck.
That's not a legitimate reason for anything though. Just because someone develops a thing later, does not mean that a thing (even the same thing) developed earlier is inferior.
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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:55 am

You are so wrong its not even funny. Yes, spears are older....thats why they svck. When people developed metalurgy, there was no need for sharpened rock spears. Spears were used to keep people at bay, or on horseback. After the sword-making, an adventurer going about on foot with a spear would have serious disadvantages in single combat.

Also, saying that they simply are older makes no sense, since South American natives developed sword type weapons with obsidian and other materials. So, spears are older...for whom? Probably your eurocentric mind.

Yes, spears are older.... and vikings used 'em more than swords... and Skyrim is pretty viking based, and just because South Americans made swords before they made spears doesn't meen that would have happened in Scandinavia... and lets say you fight a wolf, what would you do? Use a long, sharp stick to keep your enemy at bay, or use a tiny sword allowing the wolf to eat your face... if your answer is what you made it sound like in your post you must really care for wolves, but I respect you... after all someone gotta feed the wolves...
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:57 am

You are so wrong its not even funny.

No u.

Yes, spears are older....thats why they svck. When people developed metalurgy, there was no need for sharpened rock spears.

For sharpened rock — sure. For, well, I dunno, METAL spears? From Iberia to Japan — everyone used spears. African natives fought redcoats with spears, with limited success.

Spears were used to keep people at bay, or on horseback. After the sword-making, an adventurer going about on foot with a spear would have serious disadvantages in single combat.

Are we speaking about history or "adventurers" here?
If we do speak about history, then yes, they were used to keep people at bay. And they were good at it. Pikemen dominated on European battlefields for quite some time. Same was in Japan during Sengoku Jidai — yari and naginata (spear and glaive) were main battlefield weapons.
If we are speaking about adventuring... In Russia, where I am from, a variation of spear traditionally was used to hunt bears. Spear is great choice against larger beasts, and in fantasy game like Skyrim there are a lot of larger beasts. Including dragons.
Spear in single combat — heh. I dare you to attack skilled spearman with a sword. Sword and shield do have a chance, sure. In general, spear is extremely versatile weapon in hands of skilled user. It just does not being used like a pike in formation warfare. Of course, there are situations where spearman is in disadvantage — obviously, tight quarters. But in general, spears (and other polearms) rocks.

Oh, and who says that spear-wielding "adventurer" does not have a sword for situations where spear is unwieldy? Again, my firearms anologue: spear = main rifle, sword = personal pistol or smg, good weapon when spear is not available or not comfortable to use.

Also, saying that they simply are older makes no sense, since South American natives developed sword type weapons with obsidian and other materials. So, spears are older...for whom? Probably your eurocentric mind.

Spears been in heavy use from stone age up to renaissance. South American natives probably came to South America through North America from Eastern Asia with knowledge of spears.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:24 am

Spears are way cooler and thats an ordinary, not at all extremely customized one...
Whats the real difference other than length? Both hurt when pushed in, but Halberds can also hurt when pulled out?
At what point does an ornate spear become a halberd?
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Elle H
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:20 am

The thing is simple.

The spear, historically, was the primary weapon of the nordic warrior. Much more important than the axe or sword. Swords were also expensive to make - in medieval times, they were normally seen as the weapon of the nobles. Of knights and stuff - until metal armor and weapons became more common in late medieval times, when footmen began wearing plate armour and carrying swords and sabers.

The halberd is a very recent development, actually. It came up in the 14th century. That's half a millenium after the viking age. In fact. that's after the invention of fire arms.

Pole axes and -hammers of different sorts were around much longer though, and the vikings too are said to have used such weapons.

Anyway; While I personally like halberds more (the simple ones that actually work and that were used by the swiss infantry along with pikes to mark the downfall of the mounted knight, literally; not the decorated ones used by palace guards who were never supposed to fight with them), when I think of a nordic setting, the most important weapon, much more important than a sword, is the spear. Swords are nice and shiny, but they were always more of a status symbol than a cost effective weapon. You could get an axe for less money. The axe'd be just as good at killing things while also being useful for, for example, splitting wood for your camp fire. A much better weapon for the average adventurer, along with a shield and a spear. The sword looks better and might be better for some combat situations, but is more expansive and not really more effective.

If I'd have to chose between spears and halberds, for this game, I'd clearly take spears.

If I'd have to chose between spears and swords, for this game, I'd clearly take spears as well.
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 10:49 pm

Whats the real difference other than length?

The head of the weapon...
I never said that at any point dwould a spear become a halberd (except with some drastic modifications) what meant was that both your halberds were pretty decorated...
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:11 am

If I'd have to chose between spears and swords, for this game, I'd clearly take spears as well.

FINALLY SOMEONE AGREES WITH ME ON THIS! :celebration: :celebration: :celebration:
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:29 pm

The head of the weapon...
We all know that, I was hoping for something less intuitive.

I never said that at any point dwould a spear become a halberd (except with some drastic modifications) what meant was that both your halberds were pretty decorated...
I never said that you did, I only asked a question. :shrug:
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:20 pm

Yeah... I was thinking http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj125/Gizmojunk/1293380127_6d50813a72.jpg at first.

Halberds could be used to good advantage in open country and, but would be an awful choice in back alleys and underground passages.

About no parrying with anything but a shield... IMO that's too silly; I'd have a hard time believing it if Todd Howard sent me PM personally and confirmed it.
(It may be true, but I'd have to see it in the final game to believe it.)

They would be pretty nice against large enemies with long range as it's easier to keep out of range, this was the main benefit of the claymore in Oblivion

Yes parrying batleaxes with daggers would be a little stupid, why can I not use the tail to block with if I wrap it in chainmail?
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:34 am

I couldn't care less about spears personally and i dont see why its such a big thing that they may not be in. "Spears in the traditional sense are not in at the moment" is all that is confirmed. Speculation about other comments have also led people jumping to the conclusion that you cant block in certain situations, this again, not confirmed.
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D LOpez
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:13 am

spears are 100% necessary for polearms, cause thats what distinguishes polearms from other weapons. a halberd is the hybrid between an axe, pick axe and a spear, making it very top heavy like an axe. i think halberds are incredibly cool weapons, but they could only be an extension of polearms. on the matter of blocking, it would be silly to remove blockng for smaller weapons. this isn't morrowind where everything depends a "roll of the dice", meaning you couldn't actually choose to block, the game would just randomly decide to give a break now and then. to be given the chance to win the "blocking lottery" you would need a shield equiped. in oblivion and skyrim (i hope) there is an actual block button you press when you want to block. to make that button useless just because you don't have a specific weapon type equiped is stupid.
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:06 pm

Yes parrying batleaxes with daggers would be a little stupid, why can I not use the tail to block with if I wrap it in chainmail?
A person can parry a battle axe with a dagger, but you have to be very skilled and quick about it. You have to turn a bit to the side (because axes hit hard), but if you do it just right, you can manage to put the blade between you and the axe as it comes down
and cleaves you in two, and possibly cuts you with the dagger.
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 9:56 pm

I couldn't care less about spears personally and i dont see why its such a big thing that they may not be in. "Spears in the traditional sense are not in at the moment" is all that is confirmed. Speculation about other comments have also led people jumping to the conclusion that you cant block in certain situations, this again, not confirmed.

Try reading this: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1167684-official-playstation-magazine-ii/
Well then, how can it not be confirmed?
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An Lor
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:54 pm

Blocking is very much needed.
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..xX Vin Xx..
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:58 am

Blocking is very much needed.

"Really I would never have guessed." -Some random person in Oblivion having a random conversation with another random person from Oblivion.
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:05 am

A person can parry a battle axe with a dagger, but you have to be very skilled and quick about it. You have to turn a bit to the side (because axes hit hard), but if you do it just right, you can manage to put the blade between you and the axe as it comes down
and cleaves you in two, and possibly cuts you with the dagger.

:rofl: I had to read that three times, excellent writing and great wisdom. Just as fatman in Fallout work just well at point blank range.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:05 am

Spears and helbeards may look quite alike, but they're just not the same weapon, they're wielded in a completely different way, and there is a big differene in the weapons head... so saying "Just be happy you have other polearms" just won't make me happy, would you be happy if longswords were removed and whenever you complained about it people just say " Just be happy you have claymores" just make you happy?

Well that's not a good example because Claymores are already in the game. Now if they replaced longswords with a hand and a half sword, I would be sad that longswords are gone but then be happy that hand and a half swords are in. Also, it's not fair to compare them because longswords are balanced and spears were overpowered, thus they were removed. People kept complaining about no spears so they gave you other polearms that look basically the same but more ornate and are balanced with swings. If you really still have a problem with no spears in the game your either going to have to live with it and stop spamming the forums with we want spear threads, which adding in these polearms gave you your answer on that front or just quit playing TES so you aren't constantly fraught with grief of no spears.
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