» Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:57 am
I completely agree that an established relationship throws off the whole "This is me, this is my story" aspect of the game. I honestly would of prefered that his sixuality was left unmentioned. For one, I am gay and I have never even considered dating a woman, let alone having babies with her.
I mean why couldn't we just play the son/daughter? Say we are in a stasis chamber. The chamber does not stop aging but simply slows it down. The baby was the youngest in the vault so he/she slowly grew to be an advlt. He/she got his education, speech, and motor skills from a simulation within the chamber. This is the simulated world he knew, a pre war world similar to Vault 112. He/she knew nothing of the war and he always assumed the world he/she was in was real. So when the others doe from old ages or other causes the stasis chamber to open up, releasing him into a world he never knew exsisted. And when he comes accross the robot, the robot simply mistakes him or her for the mother or father.
If they did something similar to that, it would of given us the freedom to be whoever we wanted. Gay, syraight, woman, mand, or whatever.
In the end though the game is awesome. I can forgive about the start of the game as long as I am still able to be who I want. Afterall, 200 years has past and evwryone you knew is gone. You can start a new life and have a new existence. I just hope they don't repeatly remind me that "Oh Btw I am straight and I had a wife with a kid"
However, this is Bethesda... I guess they have proven enough to be trust worthy. So I will trust their choice in the end no matter the outcome.