And why is it that sometimes after getting rid of all the witnesses, my bounty doesn't go away? I've quick saved before killing people and killed them in exactly the same way multiple times. Sometimes the bounty goes away, sometimes it doesn't. I can't even fix this myself, because player.setcrimegold 0 doesn't work with the reach faction, even after I put in the appropriate faction id. The function acts more like addcrimegold. I can give myself additional bounty, and take additional bounty that I've given myself away, but I can't remove bugged bounties put on my head for crimes in which all witnesses have been killed. I'd say that someone must have just seen me do it and I didn't notice them, but I've checked the areas around murders after having reloaded, murdered again in the exact same way, and tried everything I could think of to figure out what's happening, but as far as I can tell removal of bounty after killing all witnesses just doesn't function consistently, as if there's some die being rolled to decide whether or not I get off the hook.
While I'm on the topic of stuff that makes no sense, why can't lightning bolt hit targets that are staggered by the dual cast stagger perk? It pretty much makes 2h lightning bolt casts worthless, because targets struck by it can't be hit again until they stand back up.
And why does using Morokei with the Robe of the Archmage make my head disappear?
And why is it that after completing the forsworn conspiracy quest there are still markarth guards sitting in the Talos Shrine who try to arrest me again, sending me back to cidna mine to deal with Madanach, who isn't even there?