i dont think op's seen how high the throat of the worlds is yet
This is exaclty what I'm talking about. I know you can get
high up. But there's nothing
under the throat of the world. There's nothing above it either. It's one level, and if you run in one direction yes, you'll fall down the mountain, but you still won't be above or below anything. You are running across ground that is not flat, but it's still just one story the whole time.
I've been to Blackreach. It's the perfect example of what I'm thinking of. How many levels does Blackreach have? It has a ground floor across the whole place, and it has an upper level. That's it. You can jump down to the lower bits from the higher bits, but there's not a whole lot of vertical challenge to figuring the place out. Even though it's the huge, cavernous, sprawling space, Bethesda just didn't make any use of the Y axis.
I can think of one place, which is attached to blackreach, and it's the dwemer ruin that you have to go in for part of the main quest. There's one room in there where you have several challenging levels to play on, and you can jump down to several (I think about 3) different "Floors." The big problem is that's the only good example I can think of for any vertical consideration of where you are in the dungeon, and it's sort of a moot point anyway because there's no real way to get up there from the bottom.
People saying I'm on crack, or I haven't played much, meh to you all. I've played 248 hours of this game. I'm perfectly aware of the variety of dungeons out there. However, I find that 9 times out of ten, when I look
up in this game, the only thing there is the ceiling or the sky. Nothing interesting to explore above your head.
Try it, go into any random dungeon and start looking around above you. Anything interesting? Take some screenshots if you see something.