i was with untill this post sure it would be nice to have some cool big dungeons, but if they were put it in i want a reason for them some lore behind who built this monolith and why i also would prefere 1 or 2 then 10-20 massive dungeon's nor would i want massive a dungeons for the sake of having massive dungeon's (whats the point of a long hallway if thats all it is an epic dungeon would need to be something more then that)
as for the " lore, art, and atmosphere" taking a backseat....................... your taking the piss right? TES is about the world the history the tone everything
apart from everything we over devoted fans [censored] about game mechanics being taken away and TES being dumbed down
what your advocating is that TES's heart and soul be ripped out and cast aside because somethings cool
we should make dungeons master pieces at the by degrading skyrim (and TES) as a whole? i think not
theirs plenty of games with cool dungeons and thats what their known for "that game had kick [censored] dungeons"
i think TES is more then that and to go that way would degrade the series even more then it has
I'm just saying that by "streamlining" the level design, they are already degrading TES. Why does a long hallway have to be cut down to a short one? To save a few extra steps? With that line of thinking, why even have dungeons in the first place? Why not just have one large room with a boss and a treasure chest instead of long, enemy-filled dungeons with twists and turns? Everyone ends up dead anyway, why not just make it one dead boss instead dozens of nobodies then finally a boss?
In Skyrim, there's only one way to go in a dungeon. And if there are different paths, they all end up in the same place. There are no dead ends or alternatative destinations. The level design has turned into nothing more than Halo... a linear path from beginning to end. Not even to mention that many are actually big circles. You end up at the very beginning. That sure was convenient! Whatever happened to the core RPG gameplay mechanic of backtracking?
The level design of dungeons doesn't hinder the rest of the game. It can only enhance it. If they didn't want the dungeons to matter, they wouldn't have hand-crafted them. But they obviously wanted to make them look better and less generic... however, they forgot completely about adding depth to the designs. Sure, there are some that are better, but the majority I've seen go from Point A to Point B to Point C which is just on the other side of a secret door from Point A. It doesn't matter how pretty or unique the dungeon is, it's the same loop over and over.
Variety is the spice of life, but the same thing repeatedly gets old fast. And that's not even to mention level-scaled enemies and loot which already takes away the purpose of dungeon crawling.
The whole point is that I cannot get lost. I literally CANNOT get lost. I don't even need a quest arrow to tell me that. As long as I go in the only direction, I will find my way out soon. There is no fear, no excitement, no nervousness. Enter a dungeon, move forward until you kill everything, gather loot, exit. It's Halo with swords. Compare Skyrim's dungeons to Daggerfall's or Arena. Those are true TES dungeons.
Ps. I said that lore, art, and atmosphere SHOULD be the very basis of the game. That's why a long, empty hallway SHOULD exist instead of replacing it with a short hallway for expedience sake.