They should've just made it to where you could marry almost everyone in the game... Seems like that one person everybody wants isn't able to get married.
Everyone is un marry-able. here was my train of thought:
--No male Woodelfs...huh. okay,
--Male khajiit I retrieved the Moon Amulet for? NOPE!
--All other males are really unfortunate looking--not going for nords- NOPE, NOPE..
--Okaaaayy...fine, women then..
--OH! Karliah, Karliah is adorable :3 ...NOPE
--*Sigh*...alright, how about Eola..a bit eccentric, but a good follower..NOPE
--Get home, Lona looks at me "I notice you're wearing the amulet of Mara.." :yuck:
--NOOOOOPE!! Never getting married. Eff this.