Why do laggers have the advantage?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:57 am

Crysis 2 is literally the first FPS game ive played where the higher ping player has an advantage.

Every single time I put 10 bullets into someone and they dont die I check the scoreboard and yep, they have 300ms ping.

Every time I run round a corner and die, then on the kill cam I never made it round the corner.. yep, killed by somebody with 300ms ping.

Just today there was someone in the server with 999ms ping and twice he killed me because on his screen I was standing at my spawn point idle when infact I was on the other side of the map.

What is this garbage? Either sort the coding out so laggers dont have an advantage or put in some kind of auto-kick for players over 150ms.
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Jani Eayon
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:35 pm

i had something similar to that, ran down some stairs chasing someone, went round the corner and they were just stood there, staring at me, not moving. so i emptied a full load from the mk60 in to him, while he stood there.
then i died from getting shot by him from behind!
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Gen Daley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:24 am

Yeah those thinks are really annoying. It's like you shoot half magazine and still die, in kill cam see that you was killed by two or three bullets

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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:24 am

I had this happen on CoDWAW a lot. A lagger would be flicking across the map and it was much harder to aim and shoot them accurately. Quite often I saw people with high pings coupled with a high score, so it's not a new thing just with C2. I guess laggers are adapting to their crap connections while those with sound connections expect normal conditions lol :)
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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:52 am

Yeah those thinks are really annoying. It's like you shoot half magazine and still die, in kill cam see that you was killed by two or three bullets


The story of Crysis 2 for me aswell... Sadly enough...

Not to mention the times that the game/server froze for about 2 seconds and you get back halfway the killcam. Big winnings there as well.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:27 pm

Yay for being a lagger who still svcks. =D
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Nathan Maughan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:08 am

Very true. seems like someone with 3-400 ping often dominates a match.

You know, I can tell they're not particularly great players (takes one to know one), but they are getting consistently higher kill counts than others in a round without obvious cheating or skill. I think this might be alot of what the "bad hit registration" complaints are about. bump.
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Liv Brown
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:55 am

Bah, I'm usually lagging worse than hell. And guess what, is that an advantage?
Oh no, I duck behind a corner for cover. NOPE, I didn't even get behind it before dying.

I shoot someone face-to-face with a shotgun (fatal shots, mind you), but since I'm lagging, the said guy unloads a couple of shots that kill me - before my shots even register.

This, is what we call 'lag'.

Advantage? Oh no.

And mind you, I'm swinging from 50 to 300 ping at times. (I have unstable pings too, but that's what I'm saying)
So I know the difference between low-ping gameplay, and high-ping gameplay.
And just so that you know, if I did the same examples with 50 ping - I'd be awarded with success.

I'm getting suspicious of 'synthetic lag', to be honest. Because 'true' lag is horrid, and naught else.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:05 am

yes this is epic win.. just get into game while downloading whatever from torrent and you apsolutely tear the place up because you are almost invincible
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danni Marchant
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:57 pm

Because hits don't reg right when you aim. If we see anything in form of CAL forming out of MP expect configs that will probably be made for reducing lag and registration issues.
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Michael Russ
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:11 am

its because crytek tried to make a game really similar to CoD so they went and removed bulletphysics ( bullet's are supose to have physics so that you can see the bullets go to ur enemy and they cause damage on contact. crysis and crysis warhead had it ) and replaced with hitscans ( a la CoD where there are no bullet physics so basicly if ur press the fire button, the game scans where ur crosshair was when u fired ur gun and the target loses health, and thats why the hit detection of crysis 2 is so bad, thats why laggers have an advantage. its basicly going with the motto " why should we punish those with inferior hardware ( or in this case, inferiour connction ) ".

if this game had bullet physics, it would even be harder to play, specially in close range combat.. and above all of that, people in different countries far away from the server host would have a huge disadvantage..

my opinion is that crysis 2 is retarded.. there are so many design flaws that even dx11 wouldnt be able to increase your gaming experience by a noticable amount.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:05 am

This one happend to me, except that I'm always has 300+ ping.
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:17 am

its because crytek tried to make a game really similar to CoD so they went and removed bulletphysics ( bullet's are supose to have physics so that you can see the bullets go to ur enemy and they cause damage on contact. crysis and crysis warhead had it ) and replaced with hitscans ( a la CoD where there are no bullet physics so basicly if ur press the fire button, the game scans where ur crosshair was when u fired ur gun and the target loses health, and thats why the hit detection of crysis 2 is so bad, thats why laggers have an advantage. its basicly going with the motto " why should we punish those with inferior hardware ( or in this case, inferiour connction ) ".

if this game had bullet physics, it would even be harder to play, specially in close range combat.. and above all of that, people in different countries far away from the server host would have a huge disadvantage..

my opinion is that crysis 2 is retarded.. there are so many design flaws that even dx11 wouldnt be able to increase your gaming experience by a noticable amount.

I would love for c2 to revert back to this...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:07 am

In Crysis it was because the hit detection was client side.
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Symone Velez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:12 am

In Crysis it was because the hit detection was client side.

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Verity Hurding
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:53 am

Jesus there seriously needs to be a ping kick. a) They are more common than cheaters b) they're getting an unfair advantage like cheaters. No matter how many times I fire and hit them they just kill me in 3 shots. This is seriously annoying. One lagger can even ruin an entire game by getting all killstreaks due to nobody being able to kill him because all the shots magically disappear. I'm now wishing Crytek stuck with Punkbuster, at least it worked better against cheaters and had a pink kick.
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:48 am

its because crytek tried to make a game really similar to CoD so they went and removed bulletphysics ( bullet's are supose to have physics so that you can see the bullets go to ur enemy and they cause damage on contact. crysis and crysis warhead had it ) and replaced with hitscans ( a la CoD where there are no bullet physics so basicly if ur press the fire button, the game scans where ur crosshair was when u fired ur gun and the target loses health, and thats why the hit detection of crysis 2 is so bad, thats why laggers have an advantage. its basicly going with the motto " why should we punish those with inferior hardware ( or in this case, inferiour connction ) ".

if this game had bullet physics, it would even be harder to play, specially in close range combat.. and above all of that, people in different countries far away from the server host would have a huge disadvantage..

my opinion is that crysis 2 is retarded.. there are so many design flaws that even dx11 wouldnt be able to increase your gaming experience by a noticable amount.

guys its stupid what r utalking ping or not if its true its he same thing for u when u shoot a lagger the game take ur position like it do for lagger so ...

played with 12 ping and 220 and i can say that there is no problem with the ping but its true sometime i shoot someone in the head all my mag and he dont die ,he give me back 2 bullets at 5 m dont even touch me and i die

better for this game to copy bf bc2 its the best game ever
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:15 am

I had some problems if i was standing on a ledge and suddenly get shot but on kill cam i was standing down on the ground under the ledge.
Also if you kill one and run /jump from shots and die and think wau nice mid air kill, on kill cam i was dead before i even jumped :S
Melee kill cam makes the least sense, kill cam just shows a guy hitting air and still hit you.

P.S my ms is around 30-50
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Catherine Harte
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:33 am

I have a pretty poor internet connection. My MS I've been tracking at between 200 - 400 on the games I play. I personally haven't experienced this god mode yet, I'm a little fed up of getting killed despite clearly diving behind cover!

At the end of the day, it's not the customer that's at fault here - I can't get a faster internet connection where I am. It's the shoddy coding! Hopefully they'll have a look at it, but you know this is the new Crytek so I'm not crossing my fingers.
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