Why No Lore mods

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:19 am

I completed every quest in Oblivion on my old charector and so i've now made a new one Helena a Nord who has been framed for a crime she didn't commit.
I've got a few mods but i have noticed something rather concerning. Where are the lore mods! They've got mythic elves, dragons, rubbish spells that make nuclear explosions and other stupid mods. I mean where does it say in lore there where nuclear explosions and other things.

Please to a note to all moders, stop making mods that make no scence attal and make some proper mods that go with the lore.
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Quick Draw III
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:04 am

I completed every quest in Oblivion on my old charector and so i've now made a new one Helena a Nord who has been framed for a crime she didn't commit.
I've got a few mods but i have noticed something rather concerning. Where are the lore mods! They've got mythic elves, dragons, rubbish spells that make nuclear explosions and other stupid mods. I mean where does it say in lore there where nuclear explosions and other things.

Please to a note to all moders, stop making mods that make no scence attal and make some proper mods that go with the lore.

I am sure you will get your fare share of flames for this, so let me be the first: Your post is pretty stupid for two reasons:

1. There exists a lot of excellent lore mods, look at Integration for a good example.
2. People who like non-lore mods are free to do so. They make what they like for free, and it is not your bussiness if you don't like it.
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renee Duhamel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:01 am

Exactly. Modders can make whatever they want to make and we should be happy with what they're sharing with us. Telling modders to stop doing something they like to do just because you don't like it is a bad idea. You don't have to download the mod after all.

And there are enough lore-friendly mods out there.
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:26 am

Modders put alot of own time and work in their mods!

Don't go demanding what modders should do or not!

Just make your own mods then!

Besides their are alot of mods wich are mostly lore-friendly.... I know more Lore-friendly mods then Not-Lore-Friendly ones!
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Floor Punch
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:51 pm

In these kind of threads everyone always trots out the "I can do what I want" line. Yes you can do what you want, but if you do it, its still bad. The fact that you can do it doesn't make it stop being bad. Not naming any specific mods here. Except ones that add drow.
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:11 am

To further pipe in, people basically mod for themselves. They aren't doing it in order to provide content for the general community but to create something that they want to see in their own game. As such, they aren't required to follow any guidelines or stick to a certain perspective. They're free to do whatever they want, and if their mod gets accepted by the community then it's only a bonus to them. It's certainly not the reason for them doing something in the first place.
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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:20 am

In these kind of threads everyone always trots out the "I can do what I want" line. Yes you can do what you want, but if you do it, its still bad. The fact that you can do it doesn't make it stop being bad. Not naming any specific mods here. Except ones that add drow.
I'll post a list of my mods when I'm finished resetting my game. Make sure you change your mods to match mine. If you don't match mine exactly, your game, and you will be bad. You don't want to be bad do you?
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:31 pm

This thread makes me feel dirty.

Reason? I'm usually try to keep things lore based, but I really don't like the direction some people (like the OP) is going *shakes head*.

PS: For the record in lore Yokuda (home continent of the Redguards) was destroyed by nuclear explosions due to misuse of a certain kind of magic ("dividing the undivideable"), and small parts of Elsweyr's desert are irradiated far worse than the wastelands in Fallout. Just sayin'.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:24 am

I completed every quest in Oblivion on my old charector and so i've now made a new one Helena a Nord who has been framed for a crime she didn't commit.
I've got a few mods but i have noticed something rather concerning. Where are the lore mods! They've got mythic elves, dragons, rubbish spells that make nuclear explosions and other stupid mods. I mean where does it say in lore there where nuclear explosions and other things.

Please to a note to all moders, stop making mods that make no scence attal and make some proper mods that go with the lore.

Who gives a [censored] about lore.

Sides people can add whatever they want, they don't have to run by their mods to Bethesda to make sure it is lore friendly. How do you think lore is made up in the first place? By people. So if someone wants to add something they're creating their own lore. So in a sense every mod IS lore friendly anyway.
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:18 am

Please to a note to all moders, stop making mods that make no scence attal and make some proper mods that go with the lore.

Note to self: Add Smoke Gunner to the ignore list! :tops:

EDIT: Might add Rhoark as well, now that I'm at it!
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:53 am

Simply Put some Modders follow Lore while other do not. It is up the modder to decide, Users decide if want to use the mod or not.

How about just closing this topic since it is almost flame bait, and many modders will come in flame back at OP..
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:43 pm

Oh come on even vanilla OB isn?t lore friendly:
Where are all the small villages ? Cities like Mir Corrup or Sutch ?
Where did the lore Altmer with 100% resist paralysis go after Daggerfall ?
Where is the Cyrodiilic jungle ?
Levitation ?

Almost anything can be made lore-friendly by lore bending or creating weasel/new lore ... all the stuff Bethesda does with each new ES game.
So why can?t modders/modusers do the same ?
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:42 pm

Time to close this unfriendly thread.

Members do mod for themselves, and release them for anyone else who wishes to do so. If you don't like it, not suitable for you or even doesn't conform to lore, just don't download it. There is no need to come on here, flamebait and tell others what they can and can't do.
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Amelia Pritchard
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