I completed every quest in Oblivion on my old charector and so i've now made a new one Helena a Nord who has been framed for a crime she didn't commit.
I've got a few mods but i have noticed something rather concerning. Where are the lore mods! They've got mythic elves, dragons, rubbish spells that make nuclear explosions and other stupid mods. I mean where does it say in lore there where nuclear explosions and other things.
Please to a note to all moders, stop making mods that make no scence attal and make some proper mods that go with the lore.
I am sure you will get your fare share of flames for this, so let me be the first: Your post is pretty stupid for two reasons:
1. There exists a lot of excellent lore mods, look at Integration for a good example.
2. People who like non-lore mods are free to do so. They make what they like for free, and it is not your bussiness if you don't like it.