While balance may not be necessary, I think a player should be able to play however they want and currently the magic system prevents this. The problem with destruction mages isn't that they are "weaker" than warriors. The problem is that they are just plain bad - if you are a destruction mage, then expect to die... a lot.
So sure we can technically play mages, but it isn't reliable at all so if we want to actually get anything done we are pretty much forced to rely on swords instead of magic and that, not balance, is what is wrong with destruction.
Thats cause mages are balanced around their magic schools.
Just like a warrior will have: Light or Heavy armor, One handed or two handed, restoration, Smithing & enchanting, ATLEAST, to become powerful. Add in Block as a 2h user or 1h+shield warrior.
For thiefs: Light armor, Sneak, Onehanded or Bow, (pick pocketing, not required but you will want it), Alchemy, Smithing and Enchantment, ATLEAST, to become bad ass.
Now lets look at mages thats complaining. They want: Destruction, Restoration and Enchantment. Posslby Alchemy.
Now, compare above for just a second. So for melee to become the all mighty powerful class they can become, they need twice as many skills as mages that believe they are underpowered when going destruction.
I say this: Mages equivalent to heavy armor: Alteration and or Conjuration. All you need.
Mages need the least skills to become maybe the most powerful of all the classes. If they add in conjuration to their mix they just swish past. But they dont want that, cause they want to deal all the damage themself.
Well, you can do this but you wont do it as good, far away, as good as a thief or warrior. Why?: Cause IF Destruction would be as good as you want it to be, then what if you mix in some conjuration and some illusion to that?
You can already become utterly overpowered in this game, why would you like to break that?
They are not going to rebalance the complete game just for you, when its already perfectly balanced for mages that take the schools they must take in order to become as powerful as their warrior or thief counterparts.
Why should mages need less skills then others. Actually, you already need 2 or more skills less then warriors or thiefs to become powerful.
Thiefs can get away with the least if they just focus on stealth and daggers or bows.. But then they must get 90-100 stealth AND use muffled enchant on their boots or they will be detected extremly fast.
Again, why do you even want to play the game as an all over the top powerful monster? Whats the charm in no challenges? Thats atleast my question mark.
I rerolled with a wood elf, Im now lvl 31. Stealth and bow, using 2h for melee. light armor ofc. My highest skill is pick pocketing. And I do have smithing to 60, but only iron and magic weapon perk. I can increase the damage of bows with roughly 25%. Thats ok, I dont want more.
At lvl 30 I managed to find a glass bow...finally. Most players at 30 us running around with daedric bows, self smithed with enchants.
I really enjoy this and playing it hard. I mix play between Adept and Expert, since Expert with my current character that have no enchants or alchemy, makes so poor damage with his bow that unless I get in double sneak attacks with atleast 1 crit on a bandit boss, he will have more then half health left. Im almost never one shotting enemies with my opener, but taking out half. Thats on Adept by the way. Expert.....
I love how I need to tactically withdraw, stealth in a corner or run the heck away, and come back after running a cirkle to fight again.
Sure, i have ranged and its easier but I opt for low damage to the fights are much harder and more interesting.
I have had encounters with gangs of bandits I had to reload 15 times before I managed to beat them............on Adept. At lvl 25-30.
With my orc that I shelfed. he would have run in, killed them all before they could say hallelulja and I would feel powerful. Some players like that. I dont.
Anyway, Destruction is very well balanced. Actually its too powerful for Adept until very late game. You are forced to play on expert or master as mage most of the time due to your insane damage if you want a challenge.
The main problem with the complainers is that they are complaining that they cant steam roll with their destruction ONLY spec, on Master difficulty. And thats just.......I have no words.
Its a single player game, and Mages are balanced. Maybe the most powerful class if you use your magic schools. Bethesda imo overdid the mage and it should be nerfd. But thats me.