Maybe you just svck at playing the game?
Personally, I play perma death and I also play on master difficulty. I play a hybrid character that is able to use 1h swords, destruction magic and archery just fine, in fact I feel overpowered with this combo. The previous builds I made were more specialized, one full melee and the other one a pure mage and neither of them were able to survive past level 15. My current hybrid build is the only build I made that is dominating under perma death.
Oh is that not wonderful?
Maybe I just svck at playing the game?
Well I will hold in all my bile and ascerbation and snidely question your gaming credentials shall I?
Im 34 years old and remember when the first house in our street got pong.
Your move.
That you deny the problems with this game does not make them any less apparent, to me or a myriad of others on this very forum.
Mind you, I have said a gazillion times Skyrim is a wonderful game but you on the defence force just dont want to hear it.
Too busy-body with swarming against anything that reeks of heresy.
You sir, are Thalmor.