I don't share your views of Morrowind. Morrowind didn't allow the freedom that many games of today offer, even games like Stalker offer a more open world if even through instancing. Morrowind has plenty of invisible walls if you didn't use levitate and it funneled you into places and locations. The game UI wasn't even that great, it was archaic click and drag system that many 1990's RPG's used. Morrowind was great because of the unique enviornment and it was one of the first games of its kind that offered a 3d realistic enviornment that was somewhat open. Other than that, it wasn't a great game. The only people who think Morrowind was great are the people who played it as their first real RPG experience.
Im sorry?
Morrowind had zero invisble walls. Zero. Except around the world as a whole, being the limit you could swim in the ocean.
I dont understand about freedom. There are no NPC's you cannot do with as you please in Morrowind (kill) and there is literally only one NPC in the entire game you need to keep alive in order to do the main quest. (Yagrum)
You can still kill him though.
You can permanently de-aggro hostile npc's with a calm spell and then getting their disposition to 100
Morowind also certainly was not my first RPG. I long for games like Eye Of The Beholder or Menzoberanzan.
'3d realistic envoronment that was somewhat open?' What? Generation thing I assume.
I know of no other game that ever let you jump from one end of the map to another with a single scroll.
Freedom games offer today..what?
Like pseudo choices? 'Oh Doesnt matter if you say yes or no, if you even can, result is the same'
DIdnt like a quest in Morrowind? Kill the quest giver. Journal goes: so-and so met an unfortunate end. Thatll teach em Im not a go-to guy.
What? the UI? You mean the thing superior to that of the one in Oblivion and Skyrim due to ease of use?
Like, it wasnt a whole list to scroll down and there wasnt a gimmick zoom either, just the icons nicely displayed?
Yes, its so hard to fill a page with relevant information, we need an alphabetic list that takes ages to scroll.
You mean relevant information such as what factions you had what reputation with wasnt hidden from the player?
Wow big improvement.
Id like to visit the world you live in. It seems fresh. What are the spatial/ temporal/ aurbical coordinates?