To the point that Conjurers don't need to bother with Restoration to heal themselves, or any sort of shield spell, or anything? They just conjure up something and stand back and watch their conjured minion fight, while drinking a cup of coffee? Because I've seen people complain that Conjuration, or at least Necromancy doesn't work well either by itself.
To answer an earlier question that you edited out, no, I'm not playing a mage of any sort. My point is not to say that the magic system has the proper amount of "balance" so to speak, to make mages viable. My point here is that there are at least some posters complaining that they shouldn't have to focus on multiple skills - that they should be able to use only Destruction or only Conjuration and still win fights. I'm playing a Nord warrior - should I get pissed that I had to put perks in Heavy Armor? Should I be able to simply walk around naked, without armor, and swing a big-ass hammer and put all my perks in Two-Handed Weapon and expect that to work? No Heavy Armor skill, no Smithing to improve my weapons, no Archery for distant targets or airborne Dragons, no Restoration to heal my unprotected skin, just Two-Handed Weapon to crack skulls?
Because while I understand many of you are not making that argument, it still seems like some are arguing that they shouldn't have to use any Restoration or Alteration or anything except Destruction alone or else Conjuration alone - and that just seems ridiculous.
err umm alteration is pretty much the armor of mages.... and yes I should not have to use it and I don't... you should be able to use only destuction and be succesful it's called glass canon and it's been around for a long time I bet longer then you... also you don't need heavy armor I plaed a bound weapon mage never used armor only robes and it did fine just doged alot...
My point is yes necromancy is not possible but yes atromancers are possible if you don't belive me go try it you WILL agree when your zombie get's B-slapped by a skeever and dies I checked with the console zombies get no health or stat boost.
Zombies need bodies
zombies only last 2 minutes
zombies can only be used once then turn to dust(why why why why why why)
zombies are glitched and turn to ash upon loading
zombies won't use there weapon they had prior to die so they have to get up and find one which takes for ever (meanwhile you and your pets is getting plowed)
zombies wont re-equip better armor so if you take your dead thralls armor to bad you now have a perma nacked pet
zombies have dissgusting AI and alot of them will spend they time walking in circles when an enemy is in the next room over
zombies can't be healed....why
you have to kill some one 1st which is gank because your going into combat without it so because of reasons stated above it takes 15 seconds to raise one mid combat.
you can't pick where you want to summon them Atronaches you can
Atronaches seem to have infinte mana raised mages do not
all right i think you get my point