What tricks? Break the game with enchanting? Stun lock enemy with firebolt spam for the next 20 minutes? Abuse the AI and its inability to tackle the obstetrical known as a table?
Oh yea, I could summon the dremora gang to kill my enemies. Works wonders. But then thats the only contribution to the fight you can do, as your fireball isn't going to kill that marauder now is it.
Wait, what..
You use Frost to slow a enemy down that can handle alot, that will stagger him and reduce his stamina, works nicely.
You have Fire for the enemies that die rather easily..
Shock to get down the casters.
All the mambojambo tricks enchants stun whatever cheats you was talking about isn't happening in my world and magic is so awseome!
Magic is hard, for some.. I find magic more fun as you have 3 enemies.
You can some spells that make them fight eachother, one of them dies. You raise him as undead, then he fights them off.
While this happen, you got time to cast some beautiful fire spells or whatever to your likings.
Even Bound Sword if you want to get close upon them, even bow! So what's so bad with magic!? NOTHING! It's brilliant!