Magic, Melee, and Ranged/Stealth all need to be balanced.
Melee should have the strongest attacks, because you are going toe-toe with people
Stealth attacks have bonuses to damage, because knives generally do less damage, and people who sneak wear lighter armor than up front fighters
Magic should do the least damage because you can combine various effects, like paralyze, invisibility, shield, etc to avoid harm or multiply you efficacy.
It is ridiculous to need 5 shots of that powerful of a spell to kill a Goblin warlord, but I imagine the same is true for a warrior needing to hit him 20-30 times with his sword Level scaling was broken in general. You are absolutely right about 100% reflect magic though, that is heavily unbalanced when any warrior with silver weapons can hurt ghosts, daedra, etc. Either that effect needs to be toned down or some creatures need to be immune to ALL weapons (which is unlikely, as the highest level enemies (daedra) would almost always be able to be hurt by the highest level weapons (daedric) as they have a common origin.
umm, nothing you just said made any sense.
Melee should have lowest damage because they can take damage like a champ, because they go toe-to-toe and can survive it.
stealth should have bonus damage because they attack from the shadows and hit them in their weak spots not because their knives do less damage, in fact weapons with less damage should ,gasp, do less damage unless used properly like a sneak attack into a soft spot.
magic should be able to dish out a hell of a punishment if thats what you're going for or less damage but more effects like paralyzing and what not.
"Very Hard" difficulty should be damn hard, no matter what class, no mater what perks or spells and no matter what level your character is
"Normal" difficulty should be balanced and fun for the majority of players
"Easy" difficulty should be easy, the character should be overpowered and fun for players who enjoy the feeling of being all-powerful, like a demigod.
If the game is too easy on "Very Hard" then it is a broken game that will need fixing with mods.
i agree with you completely, im not saying mages should be gods but they should be able to dish out a hell of a lot of damage with the counter of being weak physically.
another thing on magic, not directed at you booty but the community in general. it's god dam magic, it should be able to do whatever the hell it wants.i mean really people its MAGIC for christ's sake. i play these games because i can be whatever the hell i want to be. i wanna be a musclebound blockhead, i can. i wanna be a lady, i can. i wanna be an assasssin, i CAN. so if i want to be dam near a god i should be able to do that! it wouldnt ruin your game at all because, now listen closely im sure this will come as a shock but i want you to follow along, ITS MY GOD DAM GAME! how i play it shouldn't affect you at all, but some whiney [censored] will come and complain and there goes my fun. if you dont like a part of the game DONT FKING PLAY THAT PART. if you dont want to be an immortal god-like figure decimating armies and demolishing cities, THEN DONT. i sometimes do, so let me. for example people say levitation is game breaking, i say its fun and useful. its a matter of perception. if you think its game breaking, mod it, ignore it, or stop p[laying. dont come whining to these forums because your a little [censored] who cant stand it if someone optimizes their killing power with weakness to magic or whatever and they cant. i personally can't strategize well enough to use the weaknesses and magic to the best of their abilities, you dont hear me complaining do you? i play to my strengths i dont whine because i cant do something. my final piece of advise, man up, grow a pair, and learn to take the most out of the game instead of huddling under your momma's skirt and crying that the kid across the street is cheating because he can actually play the game.