What magic attempts to do is allow, at VERY high levels, for a character who is highly skilled and proficient and wizardry to actually come across as. . . wait for it . . . a POWERFUL SORCERER! :sorcerer: :flamed: / :sorcerer:

There are lore tales in ES of mighty warlocks who could set entire castles aflame, who have long term bound Daedric servants, and who can turn aside the wrath of a small army. If you reach the ranks of full on mastery in numerous fields, then you should at least be capable of becoming such a warlock.
As it is, short of either using exploits for increased magicka, or else turning the game waaaaay down on the difficulty scale, even the mightiest mage NEVER becomes anything approaching overpowered. Any wizard worth his salt should at least be able to kill a handfull of Goblin Warlords in a single, highpowered blast, even if that blast drains power for a short time.
Having said that, who here has EVER managed to kill more than even ONE Goblin Warlord at a time (particularly in scaling crazy Oblivion, particularly AFTER you had passed level 25) with a single spell, without having used ANY exploits and without having turned the difficulty slider below default?
I had a spell which caused 100 points shock damage per second for three seconds and paralyzed for three seconds. . . IT TOOK FIVE SHOTS OF THAT THING TO DOWN ONE DAMNED GOBLIN WARLORD! :ahhh: HOW THE *@$# IS THAT OVERPOWERED?! If anything it is dreadfully underpowered, and horrendously embarassing for a master wizard to have to struggle to kill a few goblin warlords.
Consider also, that while Warrior types can take down pretty much ANYTHING with a sword, there are creatures and beings like liches and Xivalai who can charm themselves TO REFLECT 100 OR MORE POINTS OF MAGIC DAMAGE! Any mage who cannot cast at least two simultaneous spells, both of at least 100 points damage is SUNK when dealing with these creatures. The warrior has no such obstacle. I have NEVER encountered a creature that had 100% shield against weapons.
As far as I can tell, anyone griping that mages in ES have been extremely overpowered without cheats and exploits, must have a desire to see the game only allow for pitiful, hamstrung magicians.
A Master Wizard who cannot shield himself from unfriendly eyes, or cast an explosive flame that can kill a half dozen of any but the more powerful enemy types, really isn't worthy of the title Master Wizard. Petty hedge mage might fit such a person better. Incompotent also comes to mind. :mage: