Lol, the only person I've ever seen complain about extra powerful weapons of infinite ammo...
Lol, the only person I've ever seen complain about extra powerful weapons of infinite ammo...
i can see your point, but for me add that little extra that mean i will never going to get a OP weapons since i always have a small chance to get something with is powerful.
I also think the legendary enemies and legendary loot is quite silly, and it is obviously influenced by games like Borderlands and some MMORPG:s etc. Bethesda has always had a kind of integrity around them before to not just look at what the competition does and then ape after, but to do their own thing and being unique in the industry. That is why they have been my favorite developer a long with Rockstar. I am a little afraid that is changing, not the least with the direction of making dialogue that could be taken directly from Bioware games. Or having a building mode ala minecraft. I wonder if this integrity started to go down with Elder Scrolls Online (even though that is not a Bethesda game), and soon we are geting an Elder Scrolls card game also..
Im glad you are not the one designing the legendary mechanics in this game like it would be pretty [censored] if all those legendary items werent legendary at all or if the creatures that droped them were just gereic [censored].
As opposed to the real life zombies?
If you are going to start anolyzing the details of how stuff works in this game....well, that's a mighty deep rabbit hole to climb out of, buddy.
Is your point that they shouldn't have changed anything because those games were "perfect"? I think the changes they have made are positive, but to each their own.
Changing the way something works in a game does not mean the previous incarnations were bad, they just wanted to try something different (and you are free to dislike the changes, just like I'm free to enjoy them).
Ah-hah! See? Fallout 4 gimping things people introduced to the series by Fallout 3 have come to love...and now those Fallout 3 fans are experiencing what us Black Isle fans felt to a MUCH GREATER degree when Bethesda completely re-imagined and retconned the series to death.
Stinks, don't it? your opinion. (Personally, yes. I thought they were pretty good. Although the ammo crafting system was kind of clunky & over-detailed.)
That said..... FO:NV wasn't a Bethesda game. FO4 was not developed as an outgrowth of FO:NV, it was developed as an outgrowth of FO3. So no, Bethesda did not "throw out" these features from NV, since they never made them in the first place. NV was a side-game made by different devs, not one of the series.
Tighter tolerances. Better condition. Longer effective barrel length. Different rifling twist (where applicable). I'm sure a gunsmith could rattle off another dozen or so factors that would contribute to one apparently identical gun "doing more damage" than the next. Point is, the OP doesn't feel "magic" weapons belong in the Fallout universe, and would prefer higher-quality "realistic" ones. I, for one, agree with him, but there's a reason my Fallout collection goes 1 > 2 > New Vegas.
I'm on the fence. On the other hand I think 'enchantments' belong in TES, but I actually kinda like them too. For example, I found 'Assassin's 10mm Pistol', and, well, playing sneaky pistol -guy is so much better now. PHT *headsplosion*
They were the publisher, not the developer. I mean, you don't have to go very far to find that out:
Point is the Fallout universe isn't very realistic. I know zombies are impossible by the way.
There's Bethesda Game Studios, the developer (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, etc). And then there's Bethesda Softworks, the publisher. Fallout:NV was developed by Obsidian, and published by Bethesda Softworks.
gamesas also publishes all those other games you can see at the top level of the forum, like Doom, Wolfenstein, Evil Within, Dishonored....
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Yeah, I hated that the improvements were without any sensible explanation, also for clothing boosts....hated that, why can't they do things with some sense.....
This thing does this or gives you this just because...YEAH!!! WOOO!! better stats!
it feels a lot more like RPG mechanics than any kind of reality. Just the way it has to be, you number your numbers until you get better numbers.
Based on what Ive seen around the internet there's been a very positive response to this mechanic, people enjoying the discovery of finding all of these new pieces of kit. Personally I find it breaks the realism a bit, but then creating a reality sim is not what is on Bethesda's minds, they make a game that the majority of people can enjoy and this makes the game better for a lot of people. There's nothing that makes my dreams for the game superior or inferior to what a majority would want. And likewise going the other way.