I'm looking forwards to Fallout 4. First game I ever pre-ordered, in fact. But, upon contemplation, I've come to see a set of major problem, at least for me.
And that problem is that you, Bethesda, are far too controlling. In most other franchises, I wouldn't mind. But this is Fallout, not Mass Effect.
Firstly, that we are forced to play as a heterosixual (or bisixual) person who marries, has a child, stays in the relationship with his or her spouse, and are comfortable with having a robotic butler. This severely limits the amount of character personalities one can have; you can't play as a gay/asixual, you can't play as a [censored], you can't play as an uncharismatic sod, you can't play as someone majorly irresponsible, you can't play as a technophobe, and you can't play as a psychopath. There's more, and mix-and-matching, but you get the idea.
All of this wouldn't be much of an issue, since we're going to get alternative start mods. However, that does bring me to my second point; with a voiced character, the transition from vanilla to modded content will be incredibly jarring; it's one thing to have NPCs who are not voice acted, or are poorly voice acted, but it's quite another to have your character's voice suddenly vanish (or change, and maybe even change genders). (And I'm not even going into detail about the potential issues with the quality of the voice acting, the accents, the voice itself, vocal inflation, mannerisms, etc., all of which can have severely negative consequences on the player's experience).
And that problem is further exacerbated by the new conversation UI; you can no longer see what you're saying, and your conversation options are limited. This will lead people to choose options that, had they known what their character were about to say, they would not. There is no excuse for this, in my opinion; the other problems have legitimate reasons for them (though I disagree strongly with them), but this change is a needles, harmful, confusing & frustrating change.
All together, this amounts to far fewer stories built by players; unless we can get a better conversational UI, and remove the player voice, Alternative Start & new quest mods will be severely crippled, and will not be able to return the control you have taken from players with regards to their characters.
I'm sure all of this has been said before, however I can not see a thread which connects these problems, and the implications they have on modding.
-Edit- I must be blind, for I just now saw the following thread: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1521196-the-implications-of-a-pre-determined-character/