People who say that Master difficulty is easy are the ones crafting Godlike items or using Illusion/Sneak.....
I moved from playing Adept to Expert, because people kept saying how easy things are.
While some enemies are easy some are extremely hard on Adept or expert, unless maybe if you game the system.
For example just today, my level 17 Nord ran into a Spriggan Matriarch. It was exceedingly tough to defeat even on Expert. I may not be the greatest in a fight like this, but I can't believe that even someone more skilled than me could find it easy on Master at level 17.
Maybe if you get like 100% magic resist sometime, but it's ranged spell is devastating.
So I have to wonder about all those that say that Master is easy. Unless maybe you're very high level with incredible equipment - and if that is the case, wouldn't you expect anything to be easy?
....You do not need to abuse anything to take on Master difficulty.
I've played a Heavy Armor, Two Handed character so far to level 28 on Master difficulty and I rarely struggle. No smithing, no enchanting, no alchemy, and I impose a further penalty in that I can only use new armor if I complete the entire set.
I'm not trying to brag, ...
I'm also two handed heavy armor, with smithing (I have exquisite steel no echantments). So how would you take down a Spriggan Matriarch at level 17?
And are you sure you're not trying to brag?
Sorry but this just either right with this, or I'm playing the game wrong.
...It's a really long weapon you do not have to get that close....
So with a Spriggan Matriarch and may other "bosses" getting close doesn't matter because they have ranged attacks. And very high armor ratings doesn't matter because they use powerful magic.
So either there is a trick I have not figured out, or there is something very wrong with claims about being very easy with Master difficulty, low levels, and little to no enchanting, smithing, or alchemy. That just factually doesn't add up to me at all. But maybe I'm missing the trick, if so please let me know.