Why do most people choose female characters?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:36 am

I don't wanna look at another dude
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:30 pm

Then I pity you for your inability to view yourself in any way other than your gender.

You honestly have nothing else to take pride in about yourself? You have no talents, no hobbies, no special skills that allow you to stand out, no distinguishing outlook on life, no role you fill in society or your social cliques based on anything other than your gender? The only thing of importance to you is that you are "male"? That is honestly just sad.

a bit harsh but i agree for myself at least im defined in many ways .......whimsy is the word i prefer to use to describe myself alot especially my choices and actions (made up of so many things i mean . for example alot of genres of music and forms of media and expression define me) so it leaks into my style of play my first charachter in tes was an argonian male. its more on a whim when i choose to go either male or female
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:43 pm

Yeah, I almost always go male. I don't mind games where you play as a girl at all, but when the choice is up to me, I always make a guy. I guess I just don't play video games to stare at computerized elf asses. :confused:
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:27 am

I play as a female character because the idea of a girl slaying dragons is more epic to me. *shrugs"

But mine isn't really eye candy, I just went with one of the default blonde Nords.

At least you went with human. MIne is a Khajiit and while I can't say I find her physically attractive, I enjoy knowing she can handle herself.
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:37 am

I cant immerse myself to a female. Same goes for argonians and khajits. I suppose it has something to do with your role playing style. If you simply direct your character then you can choose any gender, race and personality but if you are the character it gets more difficult.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:55 am

Well, speaking as a guy who fancies men (who, for the record, doesn't even glance at his character's bum), I play men for both the eyecandy AND the ease of role-playing a gender I'm familiar with. :lol: I also occasionally post pictures to screenshot threads when I've found a man I particularly want to show off.

However, I don't always play a fella. I recently made a stealthy Khajiit lady who I really enjoy, despite not being a woman, heterosixual, or into bestiality. It's not always all about the six drive! :P

The only time I roll a female is when I play an MMO, since UO and EQ conditioned me to believe that if I was a female character, the lonely nerds of the land would give me free stuff. :D

This made me laugh! :lmao:
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:02 pm

The Sims actually had its tremendous sales figures because it was one of those games that didn't sell to an almost exclusively male crowd - in fact, I have seen reports that it was actually more popular with women who are over 40 than the stereotypical teen male crowd. The same can be said for games like Puzzle Pirates - it's just the games that include "Now with 50% more extra-bloody decapitations!" as a selling point that tend to have the 90% young male playerbase.

Now then, yes, obviously a large number of people here are going to say that they play a girl just because they want to stare at a female in a chainmail bikini. Judging by the number of clothing mods for female characters that are made with about 2 square inches of material and the like, this is probably a notable chunk of the userbase, even.

However, I believe that a decent portion of people who say these sorts of things are just unwilling to admit due to social pressures that they actually would like to "get in touch with their feminine side" when they are playing a single-player game that is all about fantasy. If you want to mock someone for trying to play-act out being a stalwart female paladin who defends the innocent from bandits, you are not all that much different than the guy who is play acting out being the hulking brute who can rip wispy waifs in half with their bare hands. In fact, I would say there is far more sixual and emotional maturity to be found in the former than in the later.

If the notion of actually trying to see the world through the eyes of the other gender honestly scares you that much, then it's probably because you've honestly never tried it, and are terrified that you might not think it all that bad.

i bow to your wisdom obi wan :hugs: :bowdown:
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Gen Daley
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:38 am

I won't be playing as a khajiit or argonian female. Not because they aren't physically attractive (that would be weird) but I just think they look odd, their necks are too thin for their heads.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:39 am

I like strong female characters, can't help it. Probably because the average warrior guy is getting a little bit boring after 30 years of computer games... And I find it even easier to immerse with them, probably because I rather roleplay than play what I get every day in real life.
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:16 pm

I won't be playing as a khajiit or argonian female. Not because they aren't physically attractive (that would be weird) but I just think they look odd, their necks are too thin for their heads.

...and those sharp, pointy knees...
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:38 pm

Guess it depends on if you play 1st or 3rd person. 1st it doesn't even matter what your character looks like at all regardless (which is probably how the majority of people play anyway). 3rd it depends on what doll you'd rather play dress up with :P
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:06 am

The real question here is:


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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:24 am

I only make female chars for elder scrolls games and only for assassins.

It started with oblivion where I had made a nord dude and had been playing for over 50 hours when I joined the dark brotherhood and was stoked to get my assassin gear. So I'm running around killing npcs having fun until the sun came up in the morning and I realised, to my horror, that my awesome assassin gear was skin tight and the light was shinning off his butt like a polished apple. Every time I looked at him I couldn't help thinking he was wearing a gimp suit.

Now I make female assassins just incase I run into the horrors of turning into a bondage lovin 6 ft muscle man again.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:51 am

If I've thought of a role that I feel only a female character could feel (i.e. someone of the Valkyrie archetype), then I'll create a female. If I want to create a role I feel only a male could fill (i.e. an Orcish warlord), I will make a male. My ratio is roughly 50/50. Aesthetics are extremely important to me, but gender has little to do with it. My grizzled Altmer battlemage can be just as pleasant to look at than his female counterpart - insofar as he fills his "role" in the world perfectly, and I'm proud of my creation.

But yeah, but no means do the majority of TES players craft female characters. It's definitely a small subset. I can gaurentee you that the vast majority of Skyrim characters are bulky, male Nord warriors.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:55 am

Who cares?

If someone wants to play a sixy argonian mage with a briarheart fetish, then why can't they without you asking why?


This comic strip and the subsequent ones fully express my feelings on the matter: http://www.pvponline.com/2002/09/30/mon-sep-30/

Animal-based characters should not have boobs.

The Sims actually had its tremendous sales figures because it was one of those games that didn't sell to an almost exclusively male crowd - in fact, I have seen reports that it was actually more popular with women who are over 40 than the stereotypical teen male crowd. The same can be said for games like Puzzle Pirates - it's just the games that include "Now with 50% more extra-bloody decapitations!" as a selling point that tend to have the 90% young male playerbase.

Now then, yes, obviously a large number of people here are going to say that they play a girl just because they want to stare at a female in a chainmail bikini. Judging by the number of clothing mods for female characters that are made with about 2 square inches of material and the like, this is probably a notable chunk of the userbase, even.

However, I believe that a decent portion of people who say these sorts of things are just unwilling to admit due to social pressures that they actually would like to "get in touch with their feminine side" when they are playing a single-player game that is all about fantasy. If you want to mock someone for trying to play-act out being a stalwart female paladin who defends the innocent from bandits, you are not all that much different than the guy who is play acting out being the hulking brute who can rip wispy waifs in half with their bare hands. In fact, I would say there is far more sixual and emotional maturity to be found in the former than in the later.

If the notion of actually trying to see the world through the eyes of the other gender honestly scares you that much, then it's probably because you've honestly never tried it, and are terrified that you might not think it all that bad.

Oh come on. Really? That old nonsense? And also EXTRA-BIG LOL at the "seeing the world" nonsense. We aren't talking about acting in a well-written play or television show or movie here, we're talking about people creating fantasy characters IN A GAME. Nobody's "exploring how to see the world through the eyes of the other gender" in Skyrim, they're dudes playing chicks because they like to watch the wiggle in the walk.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:58 am

Ever thought that maybe some of you are simply over-thinking it?
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KIng James
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:45 am

Because female characters are more aesthetically pleasing. That being said, I'm playing as an in-your-face Nord warrior, and in my opinion that role is suited more for male characters. I also couldn't manage to create a female character that was to my liking, but I will give it another shot on my next playthrough.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:14 am

Guess it depends on if you play 1st or 3rd person. 1st it doesn't even matter what your character looks like at all regardless (which is probably how the majority of people play anyway). 3rd it depends on what doll you'd rather play dress up with :P

hm thats kinda true (i play 3rd person ) but my prefered armor is the nightingale ....not sure theres anything sixually appealing about that.......in terms of the whole looking at eye candy thing well...unless your wearing forsworn armor i dont see how any of that is attractive
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:07 am

hm thats kinda true (i play 3rd person ) but my prefered armor is the nightingale ....not sure theres anything sixually appealing about that.......in terms of the whole looking at eye candy thing well...unless your wearing forsworn armor i dont see how any of that is attractive

I guess there might be technical reasons to play 3rd person for some of the melee combat (I know I shift to that fairly often, though archery is strictly 1st person), but I just meant by 'play dress up' that people running around in 3rd person obviously want to see their character. That may or may not have sixual implications, who knows. Depends on the player.
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:15 pm

Because I'm a narcissist and want my character to look like me lol.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:16 am


This comic strip and the subsequent ones fully express my feelings on the matter: http://www.pvponline.com/2002/09/30/mon-sep-30/

Animal-based characters should not have boobs.

Oh come on. Really? That old nonsense? And also EXTRA-BIG LOL at the "seeing the world" nonsense. We aren't talking about acting in a well-written play or television show or movie here, we're talking about people creating fantasy characters IN A GAME. Nobody's "exploring how to see the world through the eyes of the other gender" in Skyrim, they're dudes playing chicks because they like to watch the wiggle in the walk.

hm i like to see the wiggle in the walk?.......what wiggle do you speak of....my breton nightingale never had this wiggle when she walked....she walked normal......and had a cape.........am i missing somthing?
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Lucie H
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:16 pm

Because, we can.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:18 am

I guess there might be technical reasons to play 3rd person for some of the melee combat (I know I shift to that fairly often, though archery is strictly 1st person), but I just meant by 'play dress up' that people running around in 3rd person obviously want to see their character. That may or may not have sixual implications, who knows. Depends on the player.

I tried to play 1st person long ago. With headphones, I kept looking over my actual shoulder and jumping out of my skin in dungeons. :lmao: It's always been 3rd for me for that reason. Lack of peripheral vision just creeps the hell out of me.
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Isabella X
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:11 am

I guess there might be technical reasons to play 3rd person for some of the melee combat (I know I shift to that fairly often, though archery is strictly 1st person), but I just meant by 'play dress up' that people running around in 3rd person obviously want to see their character. That may or may not have sixual implications, who knows. Depends on the player.

:happy: ah i see what you mean people simply wanting to see their charachter ..i doubt its all a sixual thing mabye for some not for others
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:48 am


This comic strip and the subsequent ones fully express my feelings on the matter: http://www.pvponline.com/2002/09/30/mon-sep-30/

Animal-based characters should not have boobs.

Oh come on. Really? That old nonsense? And also EXTRA-BIG LOL at the "seeing the world" nonsense. We aren't talking about acting in a well-written play or television show or movie here, we're talking about people creating fantasy characters IN A GAME. Nobody's "exploring how to see the world through the eyes of the other gender" in Skyrim, they're dudes playing chicks because they like to watch the wiggle in the walk.

Oh, thank you for bringing furries into this. You weren't looking like enough of a troglodyte already.

Anyway, the crux of your argument is that nobody is capable of role-playing in a game... because you can't.
Everyone sees women only as six symbols... because that's all you can see in women.

Did you ever consider that perhaps not everyone's minds are as limited as yours?
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