Why do most people choose female characters?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:46 am

Ok so i was going through a post on here where people were uploading pics of their characters and i relised that most people had chosen a female charcter to play with. I've got nothing against it and am even quite tempted to do it myself now. just wondering why?

My daughter is an artist. When I asked her why the females almost ALWAYS look better in customizable games, she said that quite simply, women are "easier to draw".

The story for me is often more dramatic with a female lead (that is kind of ruined a bit by so many sword wielding women running around in these RPGs. I wish women were mostly in traditional roles making my character something of a "freak"). Plus I simply like girls more than boys. Dudes often annoy me so that bias often makes it easier for me to get attached to a female character.

Plus they look nice (at least they do when my daughter creats the character for me. She's epic at it). :)
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jennie xhx
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:00 pm

I don't have an answer to this based in logic, just some games are more enjoyable playing as one six or another. I can never get that into an Elder Scrolls game as a guy, yet I can as a female. But then in something like Mass Effect or Dragon Age the male player characters just seem...better? And then in Ego Draconis I just find it fits better to be a female. I don't really know why just sometimes one gender 'feels' more 'natural' for a game than another.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:08 am

My daughter is an artist. When I asked her why the females almost ALWAYS look better in customizable games, she said that quite simply, women are "easier to draw". I almost ALWAYS play a female if I have the choice.

The story for me is often more dramatic with a female lead (that is kind of ruined a bit by so many sword wielding women running around in these RPGs. I wish women were mostly in traditional roles making my character something of a "freak"). Plus I simply like girls more than boys. Dudes often annoy me so that bias often makes it easier for me to get attached to a female character.

Plus they look nice (at least they do my artist daughter creats the character for me. She's epic at it). :)

Your daughter needs to give me some pointers, I struggle trying to draw them. Guess I need to use more references.
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carrie roche
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:36 pm

I don't have an answer to this based in logic, just some games are more enjoyable playing as one six or another. I can never get that into an Elder Scrolls game as a guy, yet I can as a female. But then in something like Mass Effect or Dragon Age the male player characters just seem...better? And then in Ego Draconis I just find it fits better to be a female. I don't really know why just sometimes one gender 'feels' more 'natural' for a game than another.

Dude, try DA2 with the female Hawke and go "snarky" the whole way. It is hilarious. The voice actor is this little English nerd chick and she is fricken EPIC.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:01 am

I don't, I have so far only used guys
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:40 pm

I do, not sure why. They're just more appealing, showing off my character and dressing her in actual clothes and walking around makes me feel like I'm not just another armor-clad brute in the world of The Elder Scrolls. I don't know, as said in an earlier post, they're just more fun to look at. Big briasted lizard chicks are more enjoyable to view than yet another hairy Nord.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:16 am

Dude, try DA2 with the female Hawke and go "snarky" the whole way. It is hilarious. The voice actor is this little English nerd chick and she is fricken EPIC.

"The Wounded Coast? Is that near the Injured Hills? The Limping Cliff? Nobody? Just me? Pay no mind to it, then."

I had the most fun on my female Hawke, on the snarky path. I did the snarky path with a male Hawke, and that was the second most fun. Mainly because he was a healer and I told Anders to go [censored] himself.

Brings up a valid point. Oftentimes, female VAs for video games are better than male VAs. Mass Effect and DA2 come to mind. Lots of people though the actor for a female Shepard or Hawke had more inflection, emotion, and depth.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:11 am

we all flow to different islands no ones the same.....we like our water at different temperatures and different currents........we express ourselves in different ways for different reasons ..... just how it is homie :jammasterjay:
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:26 am

Dude, try DA2 with the female Hawke and go "snarky" the whole way. It is hilarious. The voice actor is this little English nerd chick and she is fricken EPIC.

Yeah, that was damn funny. Even if those options were a very inapropriate in some situations. Really fit the sneaky archer i was playing :lmao:
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:36 am

"The Wounded Coast? Is that near the Injured Hills? The Limping Cliff? Nobody? Just me? Pay no mind to it, then."

I had the most fun on my female Hawke, on the snarky path. I did the snarky path with a male Hawke, and that was the second most fun. Mainly because he was a healer and I told Anders to go [censored] himself.

Brings up a valid point. Oftentimes, female VAs for video games are better than male VAs. Mass Effect and DA2 come to mind. Lots of people though the actor for a female Shepard or Hawke had more inflection, emotion, and depth.

this is another good point and i think male shepard sounds like a damn robot
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:25 pm

"The Wounded Coast? Is that near the Injured Hills? The Limping Cliff? Nobody? Just me? Pay no mind to it, then."

I had the most fun on my female Hawke, on the snarky path. I did the snarky path with a male Hawke, and that was the second most fun. Mainly because he was a healer and I told Anders to go [censored] himself.

Brings up a valid point. Oftentimes, female VAs for video games are better than male VAs. Mass Effect and DA2 come to mind. Lots of people though the actor for a female Shepard or Hawke had more inflection, emotion, and depth.

Not a surprise with Femshep. Have you ever IMDB'd Jennifer Hale? Her freaking resume is unbelievable. She made me laugh all day in Mercenaries Playground Of Destruction

::in a posh British accent:: "Plans? Plans are for bridge builders and scientists. I've got moxy.................and guns" LOLOL all day long
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:38 pm

That was her? Never connected those voices. And she's in Metal Gear too, right?
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Michael Korkia
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:45 pm

this is another good point and i think male shepard sounds like a damn robot

The romance scene with Tali? Sounded like he was talking to a brick wall.

Albeit a very sixy brick wall.
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:38 pm

this is another good point and i think male shepard sounds like a damn robot

Yeah I just can't do it. I try but it can't last more than an hour listening to that guy drone before............ ::delete file:: :::create another femshep hottie:::

The romance scene with Tali? Sounded like he was talking to a brick wall.

Albeit a very sixy brick wall.

Wrapping up the inappropriate Bioware talk on a Bethesda forum, I must say EPIC FAIL at no Femshep/Tali or Femshep/Jack.

Okay I'm done. :D
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:01 pm

The romance scene with Tali? Sounded like he was talking to a brick wall.

Albeit a very sixy brick wall.

:rofl: " sixy brick wall"
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:10 pm

I don't get all the "i'm male, so i play as a male" mindset. The way i look at it (and yes i do mainly stick with male toons), i have more in common with a female imperial than i do with a male orc or male elf. Surely if you can RP using a fictional race, then it's not too difficult to see why others can easily get their heads around playing as a female if the female in question resembles a human, no? After all, every person has more in common with a female imperial, nord, Redguard and breton than they do with a male orc, pvssycat or elf!

How anyone can run around as a lizard or cat is beyond me, but there again, i suppose if we all enjoyed the same thing the game would be absolute [censored].
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:48 am

Yeah I just can't do it. I try but it can't last more than an hour listening to that guy drone before............ ::delete file:: :::create another femshep hottie:::

Wrapping up the inappropriate Bioware talk on a Bethesda forum, I must say EPIC FAIL at no Femshep/Tali or Femshep/Jack.

Okay I'm done. :D

yeah that did bug me like they were afraid to do it or somthing when ive even heard jack mention she doesnt care who shes with
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:24 pm

Because they are pretty.

Why do/did most WoW players play as females? The old quote goes, "If I am going to play a game staring at someones ass for 6 hours it might as well be a woman's."

I never (almost never) play females. I am a male and I like to play my gender, I feel weird playing females.. then again people assume I am a woman when I play females. Using : 3 in WoW on a girl tool got me so many runs and a lot of gold.. Aesthetics eh.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:45 pm

I play a male argonian simply because while they both have a lithe form, the voices on the males are as smooth as..well... their scales o-o where the females are so.. sharp and prickly sounding O-o I play in first person anyhow so why else play in either or gender
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:28 pm

Technically we could say that Furry lovers play Argonians and Kahjiit, generalization obviously and I am not serious.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:25 pm

Brings up a valid point. Oftentimes, female VAs for video games are better than male VAs. Mass Effect and DA2 come to mind. Lots of people though the actor for a female Shepard or Hawke had more inflection, emotion, and depth.

Uuuh....well, actually when Bioware posted some statistics, it showed 80% of the community actually playing as the male counterpart or such. ;)
And IMHO, Mark Meer (DudeShep) is vastly superior and plausbile as compared to Jen Hale(FemShep). Her "wannabe butch" kind of voice just grates on my nerves. :swear:

Plus everyone says there is a lot of emotion in the female shep performance. All I hear is devoicing the last 2-3 syllables and very unreal intonation (no curves characteristic for English). I think Meer did a better job being neutral, although it does sometimes come through a bit dull (while Hale is just forced and overreacting).
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:23 am

I tried to play 1st person long ago. With headphones, I kept looking over my actual shoulder and jumping out of my skin in dungeons. :lmao: It's always been 3rd for me for that reason. Lack of peripheral vision just creeps the hell out of me.

Yeah, I call that the Doom Effect. Many many hours I've spent long ago with the lights off and headphones on while I went through levels on Doom.

Oh, thank you for bringing furries into this. You weren't looking like enough of a troglodyte already.

I didn't bring up furries, whoever mentioned a "hot Argonian" brought them up. Although strictly speaking Argonians have no fur, so should we call people who want an Argonian chick with big boobs "scalies"?

But yeah, sixualizing non-humans that are that alien is just bizarre.

Anyway, the crux of your argument is that nobody is capable of role-playing in a game... because you can't.

You're interpreting what I said in such a way as to give yourself an easy target. The key point is that you can't role-play to that extent in a game. The material just isn't there, and there are no other people there to interact with in a manner that allows real role-playing. Acting in a play, television or radio show or movie, or even in a tabletop role playing game with other people all allow actual role-playing. A game does not. Yes, you can imagine a sort of rationale and personality to your character to some degree, but that's simply a means to figure out things like "what faction will I join" and "will I give this lone person a beatdown and steal their crap" and that sort of thing. Big aspects of your character. The attempt to role-play things like cooking and whatnot is a little on the absurd side of things, and any attempt to roleplay relationships and the like is simply impossible because there is not another person on the other side of that fictional relationship for you to role-play with. Can you role-play by yourself, really? Can you role-play interpersonal relationships by yourself, with only a computer algorithm-drive e-person at the other end? I don't think anybody can. Role-playing at any level requires other people to role-play with. This is why table-top role-playing games will remain popular, because in the end computer RPG games serve other interests entirely. Skyrim and Oblivion are fun as hell and some of the best games ever, but they aren't actually role-playing.

Everyone sees women only as six symbols... because that's all you can see in women.

Did you ever consider that perhaps not everyone's minds are as limited as yours?

Ah, no thread would be complete without a good old-fashion ad hominem post. Yeesh. No, women aren't only six symbols; I in fact said earlier that your gender encompasses more than just the naughty bits, now didn't I? I said that given the rather sharp limitations on role-playing characters, that there isn't any sort of "looking at life from another person's shoes" business in computer RPG playing, and that therefore I think most guys are in fact playing women because they like looking at women better than looking at men - how many people have posted that very thing in this thread?

Nah. I got one the option for the face with no blemishes or wrinkles, and blue eyes. Call me weird, but that orc was kinda hot.

Female orcs also had nice asses XD.

Anyways, that's irrelevant. I wanted to add this:

Why does it matter? Does the character somebody you'll never see in your life make effect you in any way, shape, or form? It's a single-player game, which is a good thing. The things other people do don't change your game, or how you play, so just ignore it, or live and let live.

It doesn't affect me at all. But there's a thread discussing it, and it's something to discuss.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:17 pm

I also have to disagree with your comments Adebar.

ME1/2 and DA never had large issues for me for playing men. Also if you played ME2 on the computer there were codes and posts to show you how to make more diverse males. I think the problem is that most males in games besides the beefy warrior/BA looking type aren't really able to be done well. Or so I think.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:47 pm

I always roleplay as myself that is why i choose male
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:36 pm

I've always suspected a direct correlation between female characters and a preference for third person perspective.
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