Bull****. I can RP with my character just fine, and so can thousands of other players of this series.
Now, Bethesda could do a much better job giving us better tools for role-play, yes, but to say that it's impossible simply because you don't do it is, again, bull****.
What, may I ask, are you role-playing, given that there is no other person around to role-play with? Are you trying to role-play a relationship solo? What? As I said, I understand the concept of some sort of minimal role-playing, like:
-- "My character is an aggressive warrior."
-- "My character is a thief with few morals, but isn't a murderer."
-- "My character is a mage-scholar, primarily interested in learning."
-- "My character is a Nord partisan, and wants to join the Stormcloaks."
-- "My character is a war-weary Imperial veteran, who might or might not get drawn back into the war on the Imperial side."
I can understand that sort of roleplaying, even in a computer game with no other ACTUAL, REAL-WORLD PEOPLE AROUND to role-play with. But beyond that, what do you roleplay? Do you add random quirks, like:
-- "My aggressive warrior character is an arachnophobe who screams like a little and runs whenever he sees those giant spiders."
-- "My thief character had a crappy dad who beat his mother, and so he can't ever steal from women."
-- "My mage-scholar character is an OCD neat freak and must have a broom in every room, and always travels with an iron in order to iron his clothes every morning when he wakes up at precisely 6:42 AM."
-- "My Nord partisan character has a compulsion that he MUST eat every single cabbage he can get his hands on, legally or not."
-- "My war-weary Imperial veteran character collects wooden plates, with an eye to quantity, not quality."
What's left? Once you've essentially described your character with the first class of minimal role-playing decisions, and declined to bother with the second class of bizarre, pointless, quirks, and realized that the third class of relationship role-playing simply doesn't exist in almost any computer game, what is there left to role-play?
Congratulations, you remembered some Latin, no doubt from other Internet arguments where that term was leveled at you. In spite of your attempt to distract us from the muck you crawled out of, however, the substance of your statements still reveal you as nothing but a troglodyte.
Ah, now we have a recursive ad hominem post about use of the term ad hominem. If this continues does the universe collapse into a black hole or what? Also, how am I trogolodytic? Or troglodytish, or troglodytian, or whatever the appropriate adjective is? Calling me a "caveman" isn't an argument, it's an evasion of argument by means of name-calling.
Your argument against my statements that you are claiming other people can't role-play simply because you can't role-play are proven true by your statements.
No, I stated why I think role-playing exists and can
only exist at a very low level in a computer RPG, and it has nothing to do with some supposed inability on my part to role-play. I used to play pen-and-paper role-playing games, remember? That's actual role-playing, and I don't say that in some attempt to knock computer RPGs. I say it in order to be clear: the appeal of Skyrim isn't in role-playing, because the role-playing is and can only be minimal; the appeal of Skyrim is the world, the lore describing that world's history, the open-ness of the world, the epic feel of running around fighting giants and dragons, and so forth.
Your argument is still nothing but that nobody can see women as anything but a six object simply because you see women only as a six object.
No, I explicitly said the opposite, but you go on believing what you need to believe in order to evade the debate.
What really sets you apart, though, is you use a comic strip drawn as a joke as an expression of "what you really feel" completely without irony. That's Poe's Law material, right there. Yes, that's really what we need in the game community: Someone who calls people who enjoy playing as argonians or can say they are "hot" is a freak to be shunned.
I use the strip because the strip made a valid point through humor. Is the point to be dismissed because it was expressed humorously?
And I have no problem at all with anybody playing Argonians. I thought about rolling one for my first character. But yes, anybody that says "boy, that lizard-woman sure is hot" - YES, THAT'S ABSOLUTELY @&$*%# BIZARRE. IT'S A LIZARD THAT WALKS UPRIGHT AND HAS SCALES AND A TAIL AND A REPTILIAN HEAD