sixually insecure are the guys who talk about roleplaying and therefore not being able to play a female character.

I was not aware that roleplaying equals sixual insecurity or inability to play the opposing gender. Does that mean RPG(
Role-Playing Game) is only for such people now? :wink_smile:
Like I said, I play both, but tend to make male characters as my main. Call it whatever you want. :rolleyes:
Always play Male characters as I feel it's something I can associate myself with more so than a female. For those male members that genuinely enjoy playing as the opposite six, my hats off to you. As long as you're excuse isn't a response along the lines of: "I'd rather stare at a female ass rather than a male ass." All this tells me is you're uncomfortable with your own sixuality.
Pretty much was I was trying to say. Unfortunately, Engrish is not my first language.
Now the best argument I've seen so far was something like "Well, I play woman, because I'd like to see them kick some major ass instead of the usual monotone hunky macho man".
That's something I can relate to. :goodjob: