» Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:09 pm
Oblivion broke me of the "play a female character" habit, because I couldn't stand playing a first-person game with npc's saying things to me like "Fare thee well, m'lady" and "Thank you, kind lady!"
Prior to that, so until the mid 2000's, I often made female characters. However, now I try to somewhat put some of myself into my character, and especially where TES games are first-person it seems really weird -- for me -- to play a female character. Not that I'm a bipedal catman in real life (lol, or AM I?!) -- but if I was, I'd be a male bidpedal catman. (Which would rock, btw).
Anyway, when I was making and playing female characters, I did it because I think they look cool and attractive. Back before I was living with my GF it was sort of nice to have a hot chick on the screen while I was playing. Now if I want to see a beautiful woman I just go in the other room and give my GF a nice kiss.
I do find that since I made the move to not playing female characters that I get into my characters a lot more. It's easier to imagine that some weird version of me is having the adventures on the screen. I simply cannot do that with a female character.
However, to be 100% clear: I do not judge other males for playing female characters.