Why do most people choose female characters?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:53 pm

I agree, i certainly wouldnt pick a female character jus so i can look at her ass :eek:. However i am slightly temped to now pick a female character because the graphics of thier faces genrally did look better in the pics i saw and i think they do just look more luxurious as a whole, but then again the thought of a slender women with a bow really isnt as intimidating as a big axe wielding warrior, hmmmm its a tuffie.

Why would you have to be a slender woman with a bow? You can pick all the same skills as a female character that you could as a male character.

My male character is the Dark Brotherhood ranged assassin, and my female character thus far is a pure mage, and I have yet to make a Battlemage or Paladin style character yet in Skyrim, but see no difference between them being male or female. (Actually, I tend to prefer playing my paladins female, but that's just personal preference.)

There's no reason you have to have an intimidating character, either. That stealth ranged assassin looks like a skinny wimp for a reason - he likes to be underestimated.
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:11 am

It's hard to admit, but I make female characters on Skyrim because you can actually make Vanilla characters cute now, and I play on the Xbox 360. This is the first game I've ever played a female character on.
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:28 am

Except it isn't nearly as important a part of the identity as most people are making this out to be.

Especially in a game where there is literally no gender barrier on anything you do. The extent of the difference is in a few lines changing to calling my character a "lady". There's a much bigger difference between one character who is a Dark Brotherhood psychopath and a questing knight in shining armor than just gender.

The things I value about myself as a person are things I could be whether I was man or woman. The things I make my characters into are the things they could have been, man or woman.

We're talking about whether a character is male or femlae as if it is the only important aspect of a character in this thread. Role playing goes far beyond "dude, your character has [censored]!"

Well, granted that gender is pretty irrelevant to the game. It is largely cosmetic, and I find excessive role-players almost as annoying as excessive rules-lawyers who want 23 Attributes, 41 Skills and a little number popping up telling you exactly how many health you have and how much damage you do with each swing.

The player does identify with the character he controls, however - a person watching somebody playing the game would refer to the on-screen character as "you" in conversation, as in "that dragon just fried your ass", rather than "that dragon just fried your character's ass" - and in the case of a male player playing a female character, it just seems odd, and the same thing for a female playing a man. Again, I always get the feeling that 95% of people playing the opposite gender (when the game gives a choice) is guys who are making sure they retain the opportunity to see two chicks kiss. God knows how much of The Sims' sales were driven by this sort of thing.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:45 am

I never do
I like roleplaying
no fun to be had staying in the kitchen cooking and cleaning all day XD
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:20 pm

for me honestly the female armor looks better imo
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:34 am

Ok so i was going through a post on here where people were uploading pics of their characters and i relised that most people had chosen a female charcter to play with.

Its not only that, if you check the Nexus (at least the Oblivion nexus, not sure there is a lot of content available yet on the Skyrim one just yet) you will see that most custom armour meshes (or at least the most popular), races and whatnot are for female characters. Though as to why many guys prefer to play females the "Hardon Potter" clip from Newgrounds comes to mind, perhaps if you watch it you may find the answer you seek though on second thoughts it is probably best that you dont.

Funny cause most "eyecandy" I see when people post pictures of their characters is pretty dull and unimaginative.

Totally agree, if you cant make your characters interesting regardless of gender then you simply lack imagination.
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:15 am

for me honestly the female armor looks better imo

Well, I don't know about the rest of the armors, but I do know that I gave Lydia a set of Steel Plate armor, and the briastplate is aptly named.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:52 pm

Always play Male characters as I feel it's something I can associate myself with more so than a female. For those male members that genuinely enjoy playing as the opposite six, my hats off to you. As long as you're excuse isn't a response along the lines of: "I'd rather stare at a female ass rather than a male ass." All this tells me is you're uncomfortable with your own sixuality.

I'll admit that I like to make an attractive character to admire from time to time. But I also just have more fun playing female characters. I've played both in the Fallout games, and have just had my best times running the girls.

My Skyrim character is the female Dunmer whose portrait is my avatar. On her first visit to Windhelm she walked into the inn and was greeted by some Nord talking trash about Dark Elves, so she challenged him to a brawl and mopped the floor with him. I can just picture the crap he must have taken from his grunting Nord drinking buddies over getting his ass kicked by a tiny little Dunmer girl. :D
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:40 pm

I simply prefer playing my own gender. I can't really get into RPGs where I'm forced to be a male character, I just can't get immersed.

Other people like to roleplay, or like eyecandy :shrug: each to their own. Who cares what others do in their own game as long as they are having fun?
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hannah sillery
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:15 am


The fact that anybody is looking at anyone's ass, let alone cares what it looks like, in a video game in the first place is a sad individual.

Bah... just admit you've snuck a peek at some pixellated booty before. It doesn't make you a 'sad' individual. Preferring your female avatar's company to an actual woman is a different story.
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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:57 am

I choose female characters because I am a female...not sure why guys do it though. :shrug:
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:50 pm

The reality is there are two sides to that fence. Those that would prefer to look at a female ass on the sole basis that they're uncomfortable about looking at a male ass for 6 hours need to sit down and re-evaluate themselves. It's a pretty skewed and ridiculous statement to begin with, unless these types of players focus the camera on the ass for 6 hours and stand still, concentrating with every fiber of their being on the gluteus. I spot my buddy at the gym and I always keep an eye on his form during squats, dead-lift, barbell rows, etc. I don't suddenly feel any less of a man for making sure his ass is down, back straight, chest up.

Well said, especially considering that this game can be played in first person.
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:34 am

I like women...
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:24 am

Who cares?

If someone wants to play a sixy argonian mage with a briarheart fetish, then why can't they without you asking why?
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:10 am

Well, granted that gender is pretty irrelevant to the game. It is largely cosmetic, and I find excessive role-players almost as annoying as excessive rules-lawyers who want 23 Attributes, 41 Skills and a little number popping up telling you exactly how many health you have and how much damage you do with each swing.

The player does identify with the character he controls, however - a person watching somebody playing the game would refer to the on-screen character as "you" in conversation, as in "that dragon just fried your ass", rather than "that dragon just fried your character's ass" - and in the case of a male player playing a female character, it just seems odd, and the same thing for a female playing a man. Again, I always get the feeling that 95% of people playing the opposite gender (when the game gives a choice) is guys who are making sure they retain the opportunity to see two chicks kiss. God knows how much of The Sims' sales were driven by this sort of thing.

The Sims actually had its tremendous sales figures because it was one of those games that didn't sell to an almost exclusively male crowd - in fact, I have seen reports that it was actually more popular with women who are over 40 than the stereotypical teen male crowd. The same can be said for games like Puzzle Pirates - it's just the games that include "Now with 50% more extra-bloody decapitations!" as a selling point that tend to have the 90% young male playerbase.

Now then, yes, obviously a large number of people here are going to say that they play a girl just because they want to stare at a female in a chainmail bikini. Judging by the number of clothing mods for female characters that are made with about 2 square inches of material and the like, this is probably a notable chunk of the userbase, even.

However, I believe that a decent portion of people who say these sorts of things are just unwilling to admit due to social pressures that they actually would like to "get in touch with their feminine side" when they are playing a single-player game that is all about fantasy. If you want to mock someone for trying to play-act out being a stalwart female paladin who defends the innocent from bandits, you are not all that much different than the guy who is play acting out being the hulking brute who can rip wispy waifs in half with their bare hands. In fact, I would say there is far more sixual and emotional maturity to be found in the former than in the later.

If the notion of actually trying to see the world through the eyes of the other gender honestly scares you that much, then it's probably because you've honestly never tried it, and are terrified that you might not think it all that bad.
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:58 am

I mix it up often.

One of the strongest reason I have for playing female characters half of the time is that the roleplay elements are more "fresh" and "interesting" for central figure role because fiction as a whole has greater saturation of heroes than heroines. This isn't about how my genitals feel when I look at my character (there are better venues for that outlet lol), or how I wish to project myself into a virtual environment.

It's about creating a story. And I think it's really good practice to envision stories and have half of them feature the other half as the central figure as well.

One thing that bugs me though is that you can't have a believable women warrior body in this game. I mean these guys look like they can deadlift 3 times their own weight, while even at the largest setting the girls look pretty slim. Major immersion killer for creating woman warrior.
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:15 am

I'm surprised at how many guys say they play female characters for "eye candy's" sake. Grossed out even.

Anyway, I'm female and I tend to play as a female character since i feel like I can relate with her more. However, I've yet to make a straight female...probably just the lisbian in me. :liplick:

I was about to inquire what exactly is 'gross' about female characters, and then my slow brain figured it out. I feel stupid :)
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:40 am

Im male, always play male in RPGs.
Except it isn't nearly as important a part of the identity as most people are making this out to be.

Especially in a game where there is literally no gender barrier on anything you do. The extent of the difference is in a few lines changing to calling my character a "lady". There's a much bigger difference between one character who is a Dark Brotherhood psychopath and a questing knight in shining armor than just gender.

The things I value about myself as a person are things I could be whether I was man or woman. The things I make my characters into are the things they could have been, man or woman.

We're talking about whether a character is male or femlae as if it is the only important aspect of a character in this thread. Role playing goes far beyond "dude, your character has [censored]!"

You have NO IDEA what youre talking about. Gender is huge part of person's identity, its much more than just anatomical differences.
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jess hughes
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:48 am

I have 5 characters and only one of them is female.
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candice keenan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:01 pm

*Shrug* I don't know if "most" covers it. But I guess that since a lot of players are male, they want to roleplay something else. Not any weirder than pretending to be a big lizard, really.

That's something I haven't been able to do, though. I play female because I am. I should definitely try making a male char - break the Imperial chick trend for once.

If there is indeed a fair number of female chars, I kinda like the thought of it. I mean, I got fed up with Trailer-Dovahkiin pretty early. Yeah, yeah, you got muscles. *rolleyes* Hurray for dragon-slaying chicks. :D
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:42 am

Played Morrowind, Oblivion and F3 as a female first.

Played NV and Skyrim as a male first.

Weirdest part was when Liam Neeson called me "honey". wtf.
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:36 am

It would depend on the character I am trying to roleplay and create - if gender wasn't an important part of the character, I would lean more towards male characters but wouldn't rule out a female. Some characters I would only play as a female.

For example, next time I restart I may do a female priest of Dibella character, and do hand to hand with maces, restoration magic, and lots of male followers. That character concept doesn't make sense playing a male.

When I created my altmer wizard character, I could have gone either way and chose male.
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:59 pm

Im male, always play male in RPGs.

You have NO IDEA what youre talking about. Gender is huge part of person's identity, its much more than just anatomical differences.

Then I pity you for your inability to view yourself in any way other than your gender.

You honestly have nothing else to take pride in about yourself? You have no talents, no hobbies, no special skills that allow you to stand out, no distinguishing outlook on life, no role you fill in society or your social cliques based on anything other than your gender? The only thing of importance to you is that you are "male"? That is honestly just sad.
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:36 pm

hmm grew up around alot of women (sisters etc) uh tired of so many male protagonist....im already a guy..........has a bit to do with watching anime reading manga(alot of the comedy series tend to have female protagonist) eh just my preference
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:23 pm

Ok so i was going through a post on here where people were uploading pics of their characters and i relised that most people had chosen a female charcter to play with. I've got nothing against it and am even quite tempted to do it myself now. just wondering why?

If they were all male would you be wondering why?
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