We are getting Vertibirds I think a helicopter will serve us better than some mutated animal.
We are getting Vertibirds I think a helicopter will serve us better than some mutated animal.
While I wouldn't mind a bicycle (likely beat to hell and only good until the chain breaks then it's a piece of junk), a motorcycle would be too troublesome to keep running, and fueled, and frankly every brahmin I ever saw looked like it was near death anyway --- I can't imagine speeding across the wasteland on the back of one of those.
Who says we need animals as mounts? Why not use a http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/5/51/Giddyup_Buttercup_MZ.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120312192711 as seen in Zeta.
Quote from New Vegas.
"You can't ride 'em, and if you put a saddle bag on them, they just lay down till you take it off."
I want to be able to ride a death claw while shooting lasers!
Or not!
There really isn't a legitimate reason not to have mounts. We know motorcycles and cars are still functioning in this time period. Regardless of if horses were extinct in the Black Isle games, BGS could easily retcon that if they chose to do so. No, the maps aren't "too small" and the areas aren't "so dense" that a mount or vehicle would be impractical for explanation. That last statement, is honestly the most ridiculous, dumbest, and most prevalent I've seen on these forums.
BGS games have never been "small." Morrowind was the smallest, and yet it still took forever to get around on foot, which is why there were silt striders, recall, and boats for quick travel. Oblivion and Skyrim were huge making the addition of a mount a very welcome feature. Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas certainly aren't small either and a mount would have made sense and in fact mods were created for that very purpose. BGS hasn't talked about the actual size of Fallout 4, but it's unlikely it's going to be smaller than any of BGS' previous games.
BGS could easily do mounts and they are somewhat doing it with vertibirds that may be replacing quick travel. The world is large enough. It could support vehicles. BGS has just declined to do so for who knows what reason. Modders will inevitably implement the system again as BGS continues to fail to add a feature that makes a lot of sense in such a large open world experience.
People also seem to forget that the BoS in Fallout 3 created a short wave frequency that allowed the lone survivor to control death claws that the enclave was controlling. If a deadly predator like the death claw can be tamed, it's not unreasonable it or other animals could be turned into mounts. Really, any argument against mounts in Fallout doesn't have a lot of factual or evidentiary support.
Well I find that I miss a lot when riding around in Skyrim, so other than maybe getting some nice screenshots of my character on a horse, I'd rather walk and look around while going from place to place.
I prefer a mount for the simple fact that it takes an insane amount of time to traverse BGS maps otherwise unless you use fast travel, which I hate using. A mount allows you the pleasure of still experiencing and exploring the world without it taking 30 minutes to an hour to get from Whiterun to Windhelm. I've personally never had issue finding points of interest in BGS games as BGS generally does a really good job of making things obvious. I have hundreds upon hundreds of hours logged in Skyrim. I guarantee you much of that is just exploring with a mount. I don't even want to know how much more time would have been invested had I needed to walk everywhere. I just don't have that kind of free time to burn.
u can call it to travel whatever u want, is part of a quest after u unluck it probabbly.
And for the look on the Trailer u can shoot from it too.
Well I have to admit that most of the horses I buy in Skyrim just end up being expensive horse hide and horse meat as they have a very short life expectancy. Heck even keeping one in my Hearthfire home can get them killed when they attack some random giant that walks by the house. I can't pick up anything while riding so that a constant up and down if gathering herbs. Hitting anything with a sword while mounted is more random luck and anything. You can't 'park' one anywhere and expect to find it once you return. I'm sure there are mods that could improve horses but I just stopped bothering with it.
As far as FO4 ... no, no I would not want to have to deal with any mounted animals. Having a chariot pulled by giant mole-rats ... I might consider that.
this sounds terrible, including people thinking vertibirds are gonna be used for anything more than a couple things lol
I think you are conflating the poor implementation of horses in past BGS games as a reason for not having mounted traversal at all. I had Shadowmere and the horse you could summon via Dawnguard, so death was never an issue for me. Gathering resources is problematic, but there are plenty of other means of getting rare herbs without having to scavenge the world 24/7 (the Archmage's chambers in the College of Winterhold is a great place to find rare plants). I never bought Hearthfire so I can't comment on that. Mounted combat was just unnecessary, albeit welcome, fluff that was there because it was a cool idea.
If anything, this gives BGS more reasons to improve on mounted combat. Games such as Red Dead Redemption, The Witcher 3, and even the Legend of Zelda have shown proper mount design can work and be a huge improvement to the experience. BGS just needs to take that feature more seriously and invest more time into making it work. They could ignore BioWare's attempts, however, as DAI had the worst mount implementation I've seen since Oblivion.
Tip: Cap locks title will make 70% of the people on these boards dislike your topic right out the gate.
I was wishing for a nuclear powered motorcycle or something too, but oh well...
Rumor goes that with 9 charisma you can charm big animals in your party, including Yuo Gai and deathclaws. And those Yuo Gai's can be rode into battle.
Brahmin are just too slow,
Anyone who escorted the Abolitionists to Lincolm Memorial will know this (really know this).
Someone will mod in some horses, perhaps My Little Pony would make a good mount.
I've wished for a motorcycle, being a selfish player, but I'm thinking walkin' everywhere fits the tenor and themes of the game setting better.
While Mad Max is a big influence on Fallout it's not been extended to vehicles or critters (Were the NCR horses in the NV comic made non-canon?).
I'd still like to see a Fallout Kart racing game.
Well if you just had some scrolls of Icarian Flight...