I want male Orcs to look a bit more http://www.naultfamily.ca/dnd/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/orc.jpg and the female Orcs to also look savage but not like men, a http://elsinne.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/orc-female.jpg in this thread comes to mind.
If Orcs fit that look, I'd play as them much more often.
I like the image of the male orc, do you know what that's from?
The female orc from WoW just looks like a very attractive woman who just happens to be green, I see nothing "Orcish" about that. Orcs are supposed to be unnerving, frightening even. I wouldn't be as inclined to raise my sword in defence
from her as I would be to raise my
"sword" at her request.
Orcs should be scary, not sixy.
Edit* I'd apologize for the poorly executed anology, but I'm really not sorry about it.