In which case it would be an rpg made with just ASCII characters. Oh wait, that was Rogue, my first computer game in college.
God, I'm old.
In which case it would be an rpg made with just ASCII characters. Oh wait, that was Rogue, my first computer game in college.
God, I'm old.
It is better to make the character body being hit by snow and the character can wipe the snow away, or tree leaf that fall on their head, creating avalanche on snowy mountain if the character shout and making noise, fallen rocks from hills if the character try to climb it, bubbles in the water when the character dive in, suffocated animation when the character is suffocated....
Well, the department that make useless things can work with the other department making the characters and NPCs wet when walking in the rain and after swimming, make the armor and robes wet and water dropping from the character, water dropping from trees and buildings after rain, making steamy breath when being in snowy terrain...all these really give immersion than those useless clutter items
The more I think about this issue, the more I believe that Skyrim should have had character background choices.
Magical Aptitude: +x to magic skills, one random spell from each school of magic added to spells known list.
This would neatly sidestep the whole Flames spellbook deal, because now your Breton's just as likely to start with Flames as he is with Sparks.
Why did I bother stopping in here? Apparently I'm bored.
I'm asking myself the same question. It's late at night at my spot in the other forums is dead, since people sleep.
I myself am a roleplayer, I enjoy Misc Items, heck I enjoy decorating. If you can't properly put a plate on the table, you're obviously doing it wrong ;3