Since every player have Flame spell as starting spell, why need Flame spell tomes in the game?
The same with Healing
Since every player have Flame spell as starting spell, why need Flame spell tomes in the game?
The same with Healing
I'm sure it's just an oversight. No doubt, the spells and all the associated books were compiled in a completely different department, long before the character creator and set racial bonuses.
It is a waste of resources, the player will not able to learn it because by default already learn that spell
the same with cast iron pot, lantern, and so many other things that is no use to the player, they should cannot be interacted unless using telekinetic that make it have some uses, but telekinetic itself is useless spell
the game should not become heavy if all these useless items removed
Clutter is a completely different aspect. It's an essential part of the experience to have clutter in the game.
However, I do feel that there should be some sort of use for those items. Like breaking them down to make other things, like leather, ingots , arrows and other craftable items and components.
What you call useless items others - like me - treat as necessary additions for immersion in the game world. If you removed all of these things, there'd be next to nothing apart from a few chairs, bookcases, drawers and tables. There'd be no decorations at all.
And it's not a waste of resources to have those spell tomes, they take up absolutely no space at all.
well, we can't pick up tree branches, climbing trees, pick up stones, drinking using is not a matter of immersion, we can get immersion even without these useless intractable items
You're getting into semantics now. Without these items you class as useless, the game world would be empty. Virtually no decorations. Not being able to move them without telekinesis would be absolutely non-sensical, they aren't magical items that require magic to be used, they're everyday household objects, etc.
it is better the time and recourse for doing those useless things spent on making lots of dialogues, better main quest plots, better quests and stories, meaningful choices, memorable NPCs, memorable romances, better magic, better 3rd person animations such as climbing, open doors, sleeping...ect
That bring immersion to me than having lots of useless items for game-play
And the people who make the various items do not work on those other features. There will be a few people who work solely on these items, and it doesn't take them overly long anyway with their experience in 3D modelling. Maybe it doesn't bring immersion to you, but please do not take away what doesn't actually hurt you, it'll only hurt those of us who enjoy a game world that isn't devoid of decorations.
Also, you're being a little selfish now. They should be doing all of those things as well as making these 'useless' items. It needn't be either/or, and really isn't.
Killing the Archdemon, romance with Alistair or Zevran, sacrificing self in the end for my Dalish clan always in my mind and touch me deeply in Dragon Age, it is an old game from Bioware, the world is static, no useless intractable items laying around, the graphic is poor, but there is emotional value in that game, i cry seeing my character on a pyre in the end and the dialogue about her people at last got own land as a gift...i feel attached with my avatar in the, i think the resources in doing all those things are spent on more important things, the player will get immersed in the game anyhow isn't it?
It just notes that you already know that spell. The same as any other you have learned.
All of that should be in addition.
I am a fan of the DA series as well. That is aside from DA2. Nonetheless, DA is a very linear game. TES prides itself on open world exploration.
They just need to advance on that and incorporate a more powerful storyline and in depth NPCs.
Settling with static environments is NOT going to offset the time and resources for the other. Besides a 3d modeler is not going to be involved in storyline and character development.
For me, this -- I've specifically Modded my game so my characters NEVER know Magic to begin with, because it just doesn't suit my play style (still possible for them to learn Magic before entering the world, but by default...); plus, there's bound to be the occasional random glitch where, for some reason, the game doesn't give you the spell-- amidst some of the things I've seen, that'd be the least weird
It shouldn't be either/or, and it doesn't have to be. There is absolutely no guarantee that the removal of the decorations will lead to an improvement in other parts of the game.