I just feel like this is Generation Patch. Starting to wear on me, this cycle of frustration. Is it really alright to release a game to the masses only to tell them it requires a patch immediately? I love Skyrim, it's a beautiful blend of Oblivion and Fallout 3 in my mind and I see it's full potential. I love it. But I also see an unfinished game...and it bothers me...immensely. Does it bother you like it does me or am I the extreme here?
Side note: I am playing this on PS3. Frame rate + Quest bugs (So much can go wrong here)
Well Im on 360 and haven't experienced much for bugs at all. Saw a dragon dive through the ground once, the weapon racks in my whiterun house dont work and every once in a while when i load a save where I was in my house the funiture disappears for a bit (reload solves it) . That is pretty much it.
Regarless it is easy to get annoyed but have you ever thought of what it takes to build a game like this? A wide open game where everything can affect everything. Most open world games like GTA or RDR or Assassins Creed, when ever you accept a quest the world resets around that quest (which you can only have one activated) and then resets again after it is done.
The way I look at it is that I paid $60 for this game and on my first of many playthroughs I have 123 hours in already. Compared to a game like Starwars: the force unleashed II, which sold for the same price (and I rented thank god), which I finished in about 6 hours and has little replay value. When you do the math Bethesda is giving me a ridiculous amount more value and entertainment for my dollar and building a true open world game. I can stomach a few initial bugs. But thats just me.