I believe the game she be optimized before adding this map pack. Is the map pack coming out because console is running fine and will satisfy customers who are not having issues?
Is the company only trying to look at profits? With many individual dissatisfied customers you would think they would want to assess what each individual bugs are currently an issue.
Since most buyers are from the console now, does this give reason to neglect the PC community? If so, this would give reason for them to get maximum profit by satisfying the majority only.
And lastly, how many people are actually having troubles with game on an individual basis? I know the game in general is buggy on servers with lag spikes from orbital strikes and a few glitches spots that I have personally found that you can shoot out of but not into. So it would be nice to know whether or not there is a couple thousand individuals experiencing issues or just a few hundred.
All these questions are just to ease my mind on what's going on and if the customer servers/company is really giving it's best efforts. I love the game and it does seem much effort is put forth towards the bigger issues but why the new map pack? The game shouldn't feel like a beta...but who am I kidding? The demo ran much smoother.