Why is Njada Stonearm dead?

Post » Sun Apr 21, 2013 7:04 am

So I just finished the Companions questline on my alt, and I fast traveled to Whiterun, as I plan on
curing Farkas and Vilkas' lycanthropy.

So I go down to Jorrvaskr's living quarters, and Njada Stonearm is just lying dead on the floor, with her head under Ria's bed. I have literally NO clue why this is happening, there is nothing hostile in Jorrvaskr. I've reloaded 4 times, and I keep finding her dead.

halp pls
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carley moss
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Post » Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:39 pm

ha I got 1 better, once I get the chance I will upload a pic of the massacre I found outside of Whiterun that promted a major WTF moment

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Benjamin Holz
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