I just started getting into the franchise after E3 because my friends are huge fans and I saw some things in FO4 that made me want to start playing. So I started playing FO3 and I am enjoying it more than I thought I would.
As I watched E3 I saw that you would have the ability to build bases and have a better modifier for weapons. This intrigued me because I also love playing Rust on the PC and this reminded me so much of Rust. That is what sold me on wanting to get FO4.
I had a thought, why not add Multiplayer? But that answer was given almost a week after I had that thought. I read in an IGN article that the creators thought about it but ultimately decided against it because the main reason was to prevent anything from taking away from the story. After that however I found out that after you complete the story, there is end game content with no level cap, which implies that after the story you could just be roaming the lands by yourself for the duration of the time you have the game.
I would actually like to see MP in this game but instead of having it available right from the start, only make it available after you complete the story. This way it doesnt take away any playtime or focus from the story and you can play with your friends by way of you creating a clan in the wasteland and make your own base and just have fun. And if that wasnt enough you could choose to do it in a private setting or public to where others can try to invade your bases or what have you like in Rust. I know this is NOT Rust and you dont want FO to take ideas from other games but Rust and FO are very much alike aside from FO having an actual story.
To me it just seems like a waste being able to build forts and stuff like that when you have no one to build it with and have no one to build all that machinery against.