"In Oblivion you have your eight attributes and 21 skills. Now you have 18 skills and three attributes."
"Howard says it's a natural evolution,"
Obviously, the removal of skills and attributes is controversial, but I fail to understand the slow progression.
If the objective is to phase out unnecessary skills or skills in general, why not lob them off entirely and stop pretending it's an rpg.
I get that it's their game, and they can do what they want with it, but I don't understand why they're being so slow about it.
It doesn't make any sense to me to drag it out, as it just isolates the fanbases of the individual games.
If they just went and did it, and it fails or doesn't do what they want it to do, they can simply return to an stronger rpg form.
These half formed gameplay styles, fail from what I've seen to bridge any gap between hack-n-slashers and rpg players.
What do you think?