I've kept up with the forums for quite a while without posting and I know what you mean...what tend to elude both sides is a balace between logic, desire, and mutual respect of opposing opinions.
The problem I find is that most folks sit on one side or the other, lobbing demands and concepts across the wall for the other to shoot down.
Too few folks are willing to honestly listen to the ideas of the other side, or present them in a way that is anything less than condescending. Even my last post, having posted it, feels a bit condescending now. It is my -hope- that Gizmo will understand that I was challenging his logic, and not demeaning his feelings one way or the other. That was not at all my intention. I often challenge the logic and rationalizations of people who think differently than me, because I like to see how they defend it. However, I do worry now that perhaps my frustration with this and similar arguments has made me sound a bit more confrontational than I was meaning to.
It's difficult, however, to find middle ground. I tend to stand towards the middle... but I am most definitely of the mind that there needs to be -more- realism in these games. The reason that RPG's are so convoluted, with so many stats and systems, is because they were ALWAYS attempting to establish a modicum of realism... even back in the PnP days. Everything was formulaic and well-played out... because the technology didn't exist to make games that really PUT you in the shoes of a warrior of Nirn, or a soldier of the Imperial Army... or any such thing.
The technology -does- exist, now, to at least present a plausible amount of realism... and yet we cling to these old concepts desperately, because they're all we've ever known.
It reminds me of people fighting a war for so long, they don't remember why they're fighting. They don't even necessarily know who the enemy is anymore.
On the one hand, you have people who would take realism FAR too far, and destroy any semblance of 'GAME' about the thing. And on the other hand you have people who see any attempt to break away from traditional mechanics as being an assault on the RPG genre.
In the middle... is everyone who falls between those ends of the spectrum. And that's just the spectrum of realism vs. game mechanics! There are hundreds upon hundreds of other 'spectrums' upon which folks are debating and arguing about this game!
It is a complicated dynamic, to say the least.
So where are people getting this real time stuff? All items appear as three-dimensional objects in the inventory.
There were a few speculations earlier in the thread which led to people speculating about real-time menus and book-reading and such. This sparked a debate on the issue, which is likely what you are seeing now.