» Wed May 18, 2011 9:30 am
To the guy who thinks votekick is never used against good players in FPS' with it.
Are you retarded? People call walling 90% of the time, because 90% of the player base is dumb. Good players don't KICK people who are just good, but other players do all the time. Happened to me all the time in CoD4, bad players just assume that if you're raping them, you must be hacking, and half the time, people will just assume they're right.
My favorite one was a dude who was standing still across the map, and I shot him like 4 times over the course of 4 seconds, carefully and precisely, while he just stood there and took it. Then he just said "rundown aimbots", called a vote, and immediately half the server vote-kicked me.
It gets abused as well. I've seen servers get locked down because 3 or 4 friends get in one, and then every time someone shows up, they votekick him because they just want to monopolize the server.
Admin powers are a much more reliable method, if it's a reputable server, and someone is obviously cheating, just record it, provide the footage to an admin, and get the person banned. Leave the server temporarily, come back later.
I honestly don't think that there will ever be a perfect solution to hacking though. Like I said, vote kick gets abused, but if you don't have it and have admins instead, they obviously can't be online 24/7, so even though you can eventually get that one hacker banned from the server, it's an arduous process. and of course, there will never ever be software that can detect and boot every hack.