Except that Oblivion didn't have a boring landscape, it was a beautiful landscape with realistic and varying formations. Does the ground have to split open and try to eat you to make it believable and not boring? Also, it isn't the "don't like it, don't use it", it was the opposite. It was showing how Morrowind's cuts out options for everyone where the current fast travel does not. It allows for all the people that want to fast travel whenever they want from anywhere they want, while the people that want the Morrowind fast travel system can do it by just not using the fast travel system except when they are in town and only to another town. See what I'm getting at? Oblivion's fast travel can cater to everyone's version of fast travel while Morrowind's limits people. Also, making a redundant travel system like adding in unbelievable travel networks spots that are always there and ready to take you somewhere no matter what time of day and seem to somehow not have other customers, when you can have one fast travel system that anyone can use and RP with their own way of fast travel they like. Why make a second travel option when you can add something else unique in with that development time?
Well now with npc schedules it does not have to be like MW were they were there all the time. My game of OB did not have dull landscapes(UL mods) but I understand console owners complaints about Ob lands scapes. I really hated the lake of good waterfull, one of natures greatest natural wonders. Something that a faw weaker game Gothic 3 did very well. Along with a great hand crafted world. For epic cliffs, rivers and other natural points of interest. That Ob lacked on the consoles.
And you can play with out fast travel, I did and will do the same with Skyrim. Which will be better than OB as there is hand crafted landscapes instead of pro gen landscapes.
And if a certain feature is really make or break for you and you really want the game otherwise, play on pc. Mods will take care of your needs.