Exactly, he actually said that this was what he wanted to say, he hated Oblivion's fast travel and attacked this kind of fast-travel form. He doesn't hate fast-travel in general, he just hates OB fast travel system.
No, see, this is the kind of mistaken impression the OP's side needs to fix.
In the OP's eyes:
- Having a game with just Oblivion-style fast travel would be bad.
- Having a game with no fast travel
at all would be
equally bad.
- Having a game with just intradiegetic fast travel would be good.
- Having a game with
both intradiegetic
and Oblivion-style fast travel would be
equally good.
(I'm just guessing here, admittedly, but this seems like the logical conclusion from his arguments)
He doesn't hate the Oblivion fast travel system at all. He hates the
absence of a different kind of fast travel in Oblivion.