I don't get what you guys are saying, multiplying by 1.15 IS adding 15%. Like, say you had a crit chance of 10%, raising it by 15% would NOT raise it to 25%, that's incorrect, that'd be raising it by 150%, instead, the correct result of raising it would raise it to 11.5%.
It's 15% of what you have, not 15% of the maximum.
Yes, that's the problem. Every other perk or trait that modifies your critical chance is additive. That character with a 10% chance levels up and takes the Light Touch perk (and is wearing light armor), he now has a 15% chance.
It's 15% of what you have, not 15% of the maximum.
Wow you accurately described the bug. :brokencomputer: Thats what the perk does but not what its supposed to do. Its supposed to add a flat 15% chance to the maximum for melee weapons just as Finesse adds 5% it for all weapons. I did recently try the perk on the ps3 and it felt like it was adding a flat +15%. Perhaps this week I'll sit down and take some swings with the proton axe and count how many criticals I get to see if the numbers are anywhere near close.