So why's one of my NPCs headless?

Post » Sun Oct 19, 2014 4:01 am This was a screenshot from someone commenting on my mod, but anyways it was a little troubling.

I have all of the meshes/textures uploaded to my mod, and oddly enough, it isn't a missing texture, or a giant red exclamation mark... Just headlessness... Yet I've cleared my own data then re-downloaded my mod before, and the helmets still worked fine as I recall. Any ideas as to why in some peoples games my Quarra helmets might make some of their NPCs headless? If something in my mod is causing this, I want to figure out what is causing it so I can fix this problem.

If it is a helmet problem what'd I likely do wrong? Especially considering that all the helmet wearing Quarra vampires in my game seem to be doing fine with the whole having a head thing?

Can someone please try to offer any advice, as to what's likely causing this? I'd really appreciate it if someone tried to help me get to the bottom of this mystery.

Is it likely a helmet problem, or something else entirely?

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Laura Shipley
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Post » Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:27 am

Now see that just makes things all the more difficult.

Two common reasons I can think of for headless NPC.

The helmet is using the wrong slot in the Armor/ArmorAddon(either can be wrong). Or partition was set wrong in BSDismemberSkinModifier. Both are fixable, but as you say you aren't experiencing this in your own game, then I don't know what going on.

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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:16 am

Well there was a helmet, based off of the winged full face covering steel vanilla helmet, only a golden version of it... Somehow though recently I saw hair clipping through it and then altered it to fix that. The version the commentor in question downloaded though, is from a much earlier version... So... Hopefully it was something other than my mod causing the headlessness, and if it was my mod, hopefully this newest version which will likely be released later today will resolve that.

The helmet was never altered in Blender at all, the mesh is exactly the same as the vanilla winged steel helmet, only difference is it used a golden colored version of the vanilla steel helmets texture.

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