» Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:21 am
I seem to be addicted to Bretons. I don't know why. I think it's because my longest lasting and by far favorite Oblivion character was a Breton. I wrote a whole huge fanfic/RP about her as I played and everything. Ever since I've just sorta defaulted to Breton.
And LOL to people who think creating an off-gender or off-race character has some psychological meaning. That's just silly. Firstly, it depends almost entirely on how you view your character. Some people associate their characters with themselves, as if the char was them, but in a different place. Other people (about half) view their character as a seperate person, someone who represents the main character of a book or a story, someone that isn't them but tells the story to them.
So I mean, who cares? If you like orcs it might be because you have some deep-seated psychological passion to be an orc. Or not. It probably just means orcs are fun to play, and so playing one tells the best story for you. Which is why you are playing the game in the first place.
So play orcs and have fun. Play female orcs and have fun. People that care are wrong. And probably a little insecure.