My reply to the OP? Why not play something that isn't like you IRL? It's called a role playing game for a reason.

Okay, if I go by IRL ancestry, I'm Danish & Russian on my father's side, mom's side is all over the British isles with the exception of Scotland. Makes me what, half Nord half Breton?
By looks...I'm not tall like a Nord but could pass for any of the Elder Scroll human races otherwise other then Redguard IMO.
By what I like to play? Usually some sort of elf, Elder Scrolls I lean toward Dunmers, D&D when I used to play that I'd not usually do a dark elf though. The one MMO I play, EQ2 my main is a High Elf, although I also have an Iksar (their "lizardman" race) and a Ratonga (Small 3 foot tall bipedal rat, pretty much) that I'm fond of as well.
My point is I tend to play a lot of Elves in RPG's both computer and pencil & paper games. And based on how I look IRL, I'd not pass for an elf even with pointy ears.

Just what I tend to like.
Or the tl;dr answer: Some like to play someone who looks and/or acts like them in a RPG game. Some don't. If your inner RP Orc comes out OP in the Elder Scrolls game, go for it.