» Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:16 pm
I mainly play Orc because of their lore I think. I find it really intriguing to play as a race, who was considered to be unintelligent and beast like, but ended up being one of the strongest warriors in the Tamriel and actually built their own city-state, have their own laws, and worship a god (Daedra) who actually does give a f**k about his worshipers.
When I am not an Orc, I'm a Bosmer all the time. I was always keen on the forest elves, or any other races who lives in forests, in various fantasy games, I think because of my heritage mainly.
Even though I have tried to play as other races, but I couldn't play it for more than a couple of hours, and then I would just restart or get back to my Orc or Bosmer. And it's the same in pretty much every game, I am always an elf or an orc.