Or really learn how to study Vivec's sermons.
Eh, I constantly have issues with people thinking gods are either aedra or daedra anyway. In the most basic definition, those two mean 'Our Ancestor' and 'Not Our Ancestor' in Aldmeri. The 8 divines the altmer worshiped are aedra, as the aldmer believe they're descendants of them, while the daedra are not their their ancestors and are to be reviled, including Lorkhan/Shor/Shezarr. The Dunmer are considered high heretics, as they dared to call those who are 'not our ancestor' as their ancestor.
But to make it simple for everyone, there's:
Aedra: those who died and became Mundus
Daedra: Those who did not give a piece of themselves to Mundus and now reside in Oblivion
Magna-Ge: The spirits that live in the Aetherius (Meridia used to be one of them, until her daddy, Magnus, threw her out)
Divines: Those who fit neither of these definitions (includes guys like Mannimarco the God of Worms, Talos, Trinimac, and Phynmaster)